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A member registered Jul 27, 2019 · View creator page →

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natomarcacini, you are the sweetest soul.

I wholeheartedly desire the absolute pinnacle of excellence for you, as if the very stars align in your favor. May gentle breezes gracefully lead you, and may the Sun's rays forever fill your heart with warmth. May your existence be an everlasting symphony of joy, with celestial beings serenading your name and showering you with boundless bliss each day.

Really nice! Like it so much!

Cool! Like it so much! Please, make more awesome stuff! =)

Absolutely love it! Will you make any UI set or any new extensions? Wish you made some more cool stuff! <3

Love this game! Spent hours and hours!

Love the character customization. Really like the diversity of masks and their colorability. They have a simple, yet accurate form, just like real Bionicles! Especially liked the matoran village. The animals are rather fun and characters look cool. Out of negatives: whenever you hover over any button, it makes a sound exact to one you get when you click on it, except quite unpleasant. When you actually click the sound is alright, though. But when you move your cursor over 4-5 buttons it really starts getting on your nerves. Overall game is lacking sfx. Listen, if you need any help with sound design or composing simple music — I'm down to work with you! Am also decent at 3D modeling (blender, maya) and programming (just started studying UE). Also I can be your playtester. If you do need help — more than glad to help you, completely for free!

НОВОЕ [23:40]

I like this one!

So cute! So nice! Wish the story had a sequel!

Like this game! Keep up developing it!  =)