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Im not smart bro

A member registered Feb 19, 2022

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Android version is out! For 32 and 64 bits

Yes but i think is enough time, you can get more time paying😫

Hmmm... If you want it in bluestacks, go to this page And download the APK

Is avaiable on Microsoft Store!



Yes, you can find it in "Pet"

(1 edit)

I don't remember but i think you have to click a arrow pointing above and click "Open". Click "install", then click accept and "ready". Now you close that folder and thats all!

You can make some changes in the oc ^^

Code: Ash|5 august|15|myself in gacha|Lunime|Grey|air|The Netherlands|loner|Student|2|1|72|4|5|10|1|0|1|5|1|1|44|27|106|0|0|125|125|13|13|13|13|55|0|131|56|112|0|2|17|33|0|21|9|28|28|20|20|3|3|70|70|4|0|8|8|0|0|0|125|0|58|58|0|5|5|0|0|1|1|0|1|1|2|20|0|12|11|1|1|1|7|7|1|1|1|1|1|1|0|0|0|6|0|2|1|0|1|1|1|1|2|0|0|0|0|2|0|5|16|0|-2|0|5|16|0|-6|10|11|1|3|-5|10|11|1|3|0|9|7|16|-3|0|9|7|16|3|-12|0|7|20|9|3|-10|13|13|243|0|0|1|1|0|0|0|1|1|0|18|26|19|19|15|4|36|16|16|18|4|0|1|1|0|0|0|1|1|0|18|32|12|7|342|-10|-8|5|20|0|13|15|12|12|6|0|0|0|1|1|0|4|88|1|1|315|1|3|1|9|1|1|0|0|1|1|1|1|0|0|1|-81|-33|9|11|0|1|1|1|1|1|1|1|1|1|1|1|1|1|1|1|1|1|1|0|0|1|1|20|1|0|4|4|3|6|0|0|1|1|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|1|1|1|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|FFF3E7|8C4A4A|D9DBBE|707453|A19E78|D9DBBE|707453|A19E78|D9DBBE|707453|A19E78|D9DBBE|707453|A19E78|D9DBBE|707453|A19E78|B15482|FFF7C2|D4DEB2|A4AA6E|575B3A|D4DEB2|A4AA6E|575B3A|F7FFE2|F7FFE2|F7FFE2|F7FFE2|D9DBBE|707453|D9DBBE|707453|191919|020202|ECECEC|8C4A4A|8C4A4A|BBD4FF|CB8989|CB8989|CB8989|FFF9E7|FFF3E7|FFF3E7|FF8383|8589FF|FFEBD2|CB8989|FF8383|AA5F5F|FFFFFF|FFFFFF|020202|8AAEFF|FFFFFF|525270|B8B8B8|FFFFFF|525270|FF93BC|FFF3A1|020202|FFF3A1|E0E1FF|020202|8ACEFF|333333|191919|333333|333333|191919|FFFFFF|FFFFFF|525270|EEE9FF|FFFFFF|525270|EEE9FF|333333|020202|FFFFFF|333333|020202|FFFFFF|57598C|2E263F|57598C|57598C|2E263F|57598C|57598C|2E263F|B4BFCD|191919|020202|B8B8B8|FFFFFF|525270|FFFFFF|FFFFFF|525270|FFFFFF|333333|191919|FFFFFF|333333|191919|FFFFFF|FFFFFF|020202|3A82FF|FFFFFF|020202|3A82FF|4638FF|020202|BCBBFF|FFFFFF|333333|7B7B7B|A487FF|020202|8AAEFF|020202|020202|A487FF|020202|020202|A487FF|FF3F3F|020202|FFC2C2|FF3F3F|020202|FFFFFF|FF3F3F|020202|FFFFFF|FF3F3F|020202|191919|8589FF|020202|FFFFFF|8589FF|020202|FFFFFF|AAA7CB|020202|B4BFCD|AAA7CB|020202|B4BFCD|582E2E|FF0000|020202|FFFFFF|020202|FFFFFF|020202|FFFFFF|020202|020202|020202|020202 I hope you like it!

Oh wow! Time for recreate!


Try downloading WinRAR.

Si eres de IOS, no hay ninguna manera de descargarlo. Esta es la de pc, y el de android en otra página. En pc, prueba descargar WinRAR. Te dejará usar gacha art. Link <--

Espero que te sirva @Violetta_Kun16

Okay! :)


(1 edit)

You have to download it in

Download winrar, theres is a comment with link

Modified values detectedd

Ok, im bored so

You can download WinRAR, you can open files zip and rar

Guys! This is real not fake! You only need WinRAR (link at the end) to have all gacha pc mods, or .zip or .rar files


Also, to @bakugou-rima: Excellent, ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐5 stars mod.

If you have winrar on your pc, you can download it, you have to download it so you can use the pc mods. In bluestacks, let's not forget that it pretends to be like a phone, so you have to download the android one (apk).

Yes, its safe :)

(2 edits)
I really liked this mod! Is very good and i like the objects, clothes, all of this mod! Also, here is some of the ocs :)
<img src="">

Yes, doesn't work exe version

WOAHHH STUNNING i really like it sussybaka

oh thanks

beautiful .o. heres mine lol bad quality XD 😀

mod looks very good- truthsponge bob crying like a baby aasa

Gacha Redux looks good, im gonna download and try it! why this image ? IDKCrying bob
