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A member registered Jun 17, 2023

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@Salty:  I've sent an e-mail to your Gmail related to a walkthrough for the game.  I don't know if you're interested but I've mostly completed a complete/entire walkthrough for Chapter 1 and wondered if you'd be interested in hosting it.

(2 edits)

Do the Snow White Gold Coin quests have alternate outcomes depending on when you do them?  i.e. Sapphire ends with "I don't think Emme would want that", while Cornucopia ends without showing anything...if you do these at different times or after different parts of the story does the outcome change?  Or are all the outcomes static?

And while I'm asking, I ASSUME the book leant to you by Emee has some use at some point?  I've read it multiple multiple days back and it has not come up between Emee and I.