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A member registered Jun 10, 2020 · View creator page →

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Thank you so much 💖✨

Haha, she was missing her 10 step skincare routine 😅

Thank you for stopping by nonetheless, haha! 

So, to say that I love this game is an absolute understatement. From the careful consideration given to recreate a historical atmosphere that’s not easy, to an absolutely loveable LI—I enjoy this game so much!!

Boone is a delightful LI, who just hits the right notes for me in all ways-and I love the flexibility that the game gives you in how you approach your romance with him. Flexibility is the name of the game in the best of ways, from pronoun choices to being able to opt out of NSFW scenes without consequences, it allows for everyone to fall for Boone (which everyone should, tbh).

The GUI is charming in how it ties in with the theme and I really enjoyed the music as well. Needless to say that I loved the writing and all the art of my favourite cowboy (a sight for sore eyes tbh). Overall, please give this game a shot and commit crimes with your bestie boyfriend 💖✨

(1 edit)

Thank you for stopping by & giving this little game a try! Happy to hear any feedback—especially that we’ve nailed the Jazz Age feel 💖✨

Aw, thank you so much for stopping by and leaving a comment! I’m so glad that this has served it’s purpose and provided more insight into the world we’ve carefully been trying to create ✨

Thank you so much for your kind words!

Aww, this feedback has me grinning from ear to ear. Thank you so, so much! Gilda would be more than happy to chatter away over a drink or two—and all her friends would too, no doubt! I'm sure we can sneak in a famed slice of that pineapple upside down cake, hehe.

Roy has so much of charm, I'm so glad to see it working on someone haha! But you're so right, best not to let him know just yet 🤭

Thank you so much once again—and I hope that our future little O2A2 offering may help satisfy a wee bit of that craving 🌼

Your words and feedback are oh so darling, thank you so much! We will do our best to work diligently and bring more to you, for sure 💖

All our sprites will actually be redone, as the sprite artist who did the current sprites has not been able to continue due to unforeseen circumstances. The style is different, but we'll have sprites for all the characters mentioned and upcoming!

This feedback is absolutely everything, thank you so much!

The time period lends itself to so much good worldbuilding, we’d be remiss if we didn’t give it a try! Another one for Camp Nils 🌼

Thank you so much once again, feedback is so appreciated and we love you for taking the time to comment! 

Haha, the divorce took a real toll on her 😂

Jokes aside, super valid! We will actually be having new sprite art for our full game, but thank you nonetheless for stopping by our little corner✨

Thank you so much—and I will definitely pass on the compliments to our artists!

(2 edits)

I genuinely wish I could print this and just pin it to my brain absolutely forever, because this comment is just everything???? Thank you so, so much for taking the time to give your honest and thoughtful feedback to every part of the production! It makes us so happy to hear it, because the team put in so much care and attention to every part of this—and with it being a historical setting, everyone really had to go above and beyond: I’m just beyond happy that it all reflected properly!

I will be so happy to bring you the full game, you bet! The ending was a bit rude, even for my standards, but we will work hard to make sure it isn’t one for too long! Once again thank you so, so very much! 

I totally get it—when you are part of the production vs seeing the final product makes the world of difference! 

NILS WINNING EVERYONE OVER 🥺🥺🥺 this wouldn’t have happened without you, Skai, thank you so much!! 

Hehe, aw, I’m not familiar with Ominis but I’m glad he brought Nils to your attention! And oh, it would be telling of me if I let you know what Angelo will get up to 🤭

Thank you for stopping by and leaving a comment! Means so much to us 💖✨

Aw, thanks a bunch! We love the love people have for our MC 💖✨

This feedback is everything! Our team is so happy to hear every bit of it 💖 We do plan on having sprites for all our characters for the full release, but it may take some time (as we have quite a few to introduce during the main story too!).

Nils is quite the darling, so I’m glad he caught your attention! 

Thank you so much for your kind feedback! 

Hi! The demo will be available tomorrow (June 30) :)

I don’t think you could give us a better compliment than “hey, both LIs are great, I can’t decide who I like better *and* I loved the MC, too”! Thank you so, so much <3

Thank you for nothing these down! We’ll tackle them with the next update <3

Thank you so much! 

Hello, thanks for taking the time to play this game!

Could you let me know what type of saving issues you’re having? Thanks!

absolutely! co-writer here, i can try and help :D feel free to contact us through email/twitter too so that we can share potential spoiler information with you!