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A member registered Jun 14, 2021 · View creator page →

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Hey, I was pretty exited for this game, but I've noticed that there are a few things that make this game really unfun. first, (and most present) is the fact that you can't slide on a wall after doing a dive, despite the fact that BOTH levels have sections that seem to indicate that you HAVE to do EXACTILY that in order to pass them. The tutorial has this while teaching you how to wall jump onto another wall (when there's the big hole), and STILL in the tutorial when you have to jump up 2 walls with spikes on them, and getting up there required me to use a glitch where after spawning back in with Pikit, you can jump in the air. However, I could not get past that part because I couldn't make it to the left wall after getting to the right wall, because it required me to do a dive, which again, doesn't let you do a wall slide after preforming. I had to make it across BOTH of these with a glitch, that I had to teach myself.

The other thing I don't like about the game is that you can't run. A sprint button, or even just faster default movement speed would be nice, because it would remove most of the parts of the level that are unfair. Even just more air control / more speed in the air would be GREATLY appreciated.

Keep on workin' on this though! I'm exited to see where it goes!

You can play it on Mobile.

there is not a single game that needs the keyboard.

PortaBoy called me a Bozo :(