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A member registered Mar 05, 2021 · View creator page →

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i meant what's the reaction if you beat it second try?

what if second try?

woah, i can't full combo blammed hard yet!!! good job

swag!!! which difficulty?

(1 edit)

Fun fact: I beat M.I.L.F hard on my second try

Newgrounds isn't even accessible where i live, it's blocked by the government and its so unfair to all the FNF fans who live here (and i know there's at least one 'cause i heard FNF music from some kid's phone in public)


I really hope so, newgrounds is blocked where i live

yeah it isn't. remember, don't fall for those cashgrab apps with ads around every corner

Um, since when did they apologize? You can just show me the link/screenshot of where they did.

that's weird, i play on a laptop (windows) and i can run it just fine at around 60 fps

Umm.. i can't tell if it's satire?

I'm curious, are you using downloaded version or browser version?


I'm not sure what you mean by settings menu. I know a debug menu, but that's for editing the songs and stuff, not things like controls. 

But i know two ways to get a full screen.

1. (BROWSER VERSION) Press the fullscreen button. To leave fullscreen press the esc (escape) key.

2. (DOWNLOADED VERSION) Hold down the alt key and press enter key. (Alt+Enter) To get out of fullscreen here, click Alt+Enter again.

Hope i could help!

I forgot to add, the creators aren't really obligated to make the game kid friendly. It's their choice. You can feel any way about it, but no need to make an angry post.

i'd totally listen to that, that sounds cool

To be fair, it does have a teen rating on newgrounds. Couldn’t find anything like that on though.


Sorry if these are stupid, but i have two questions:

1. Is there any way to get rid of mods?

2. If i uninstall and reinstall the game, will my highscores be saved?

Thanks in advance!

You could just press enter really quickly so the dialogue wouldn't play