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A member registered Oct 23, 2022 · View creator page →

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it was hard to figure out what to do but after i knew it was pretty fun

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Great game man i got to 500 but after that it gets a little boring, so maybe try to add new features

Hey! i would love to work with you message me on discord @ownedbychristian


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Haha i got you! That level is a trap you can go left through the wall and then puss the block against the button and then you can go under it🫣 but thanks for playing it

The game doesn't work go in unity editer to settings player settings to webgl and change commpression to one of the other options doesn't really matter that worked for me

thats true

ty man appreciate it!!


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i think this isn't just us, this is a unity problem i think but apart from that i think this will fix it but i cant do it right now,  i will do it tomorrow, thank you for helping

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can you tel me why it doesn't work? then i maybe can fix it or something and thank you for playing and i am glad you find it fun

hey man i would like to see more of your work i have send you a dc request (OwnedByChristian_YT#0407)

prob yes