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A member registered May 18, 2022

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(1 edit)

Interesting game so far, here are some problems that I occurred in my playthrough: (Used keyboard and mouse - also rebound  the swapping magnet polarity to RMB)

I haven't watched very many videos in this series so far, please excuse me if I comment on something that was already explained in a video.

Also this will be long... Sorry :/ 


- It feels very weird that when I get the key, I exit the level. I was expecting to get back to the door afterwards.

- It also feels very unintuitive that magnets fall through platforms. I expected them to land on top.

- Cannot re-complete levels again, since the key is gone.

- The 'E' key feels useless for launching the magnet, since you can aim and fire with the LMB.

- When I rebound the magnet polarity to the RMB, the UI at the top left where the colour of the magnet is showing, the button to show what key to press is now a '?'. 

- Some levels don't feel very fun to play at all and don't feel satisfying when you finish them.

- Having the character move to the center of the door, and disappear feels like that they are actually entering a door, not just standing in front of it.


- It took me about 15 minutes to figure out that I needed to throw the magnet in the pipe to continue the game at the start. Some guidance would be great there.

Level 1 - Up and Over: ★★★☆☆

- The magnet got stuck on the small section of flat ground between the 2 ramps above the magnetic door (not sure what to call that door to be honest).

- It is VERY easy to run off a really small platform. Thankfully you can jump in midair just after you fall off a platform (like Celeste), so this isn't a big issue.

Level 2 - Not a Drill: ★★★★☆

- Aside from the magnet falling through platforms issue, this was a good level. 

Level 3 - Up and Away: ★★★★★

- Can get stuck between the screw and the moving platform.

- This level felt really fun to play, especially the final jump for the key. 

Level 4 - Lift Up: ★★☆☆☆

- It feels like it takes forever to reach one side of the room to the other. 

- This level in particular feels very boring to play in my opinion, due to the really long hallways to get to different places.

Level 5 - Weight and Pull-me:  ★★★★★

- Possible to softlock when the gate is pushing the button down and the magnet isn't attached to the pulley system.

- This level is definitely the best level so far. This level makes you think outside the box and feels great when you finish it.  

Level 6 - Blocked by Block: ★★★☆☆

- This feels a lot harder than the rest of the puzzles.

- I think that I also did the puzzle in a non-intended way. (Unsure if I want to put my method here due to spoilers though)


Overall, this feels like a great foundation. More levels like Level 3 and 5 would make this game be an amazing experience and a joy to play. 

Thanks to everyone who actually took the time to read this.
