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A member registered Sep 16, 2019 · View creator page →

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Great sound and graphics. Needs some health bars on top of the minions.

Great gameplay man. Reviewed your game on the LDjam page. Following. Will wait for updates here. Make this a full game.

Nice. Would like to play some additional levels and collectibles in the path to Hole.

Unable to understand the controls. Attacks happening on left click but unable to get any feedback on whether it is hitting the enemy or not. And feels like everything is very slow. I have RX 580 8GB playing on 1080p.

Very nice mechanics and controls. The graphics are good-looking but sometimes it creates issues related to visibility. Like the directional arrow is getting lost in the background sometimes.

I liked the concept. Controls are good. But the game is very hard at start.

Superb storytelling. I usually don't finish games at one go but on this one, I could not stop playing.  Great aesthetics. It would have been better if there is something to do in the actual mud fight. Some strategy maybe that we could apply to win matches where our stars are lower than our opponent.