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A member registered Dec 12, 2023 · View creator page →

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Awesome! Would by an extended version.

Version: 0.6.0 - Windows

Played around 20 minutes. Lost 3 times, 1 draw and 1 win.

The game looks amazing (Pixelart is great), playing wise I felt a bit lost but once I figured out the modifiers i was able to score a win.

Great game for its current state already.

Keep going!

Still Addicting... What have you done to my life :(

Thank you for the feedback.

I was able to reproduce the problem with the one giga tanky enemy... I will have to look into it. :D 

The pain of coding never ends!

Played the game and was very confused at the beginning. Would have expected to get bigger while rolling on the snow. Ones I understood that is not how to grow in this game, it became a lot of fun. Controls felt good. Camera was decently positioned. The end of the game killed me, made my day!

In summary, a really good game and if you keep developing it, it could become a cool game for android/iOS, maybe PC but do not think so.

Sadly no Windows executables. Due to problems with my system I can not play in browser. I would love to rate the game. If you could upload a Windows executable would be amazing!

Which version is the one that should rated for the jam?

I would like to test and rate the game but for a weird reason my pc is flagging your rar as a corrupted file when I try to unpack it. Maybe you can upload a .zip version?

(1 edit)

What did I just touch? This is a mix out of Get Over It and a cute pink caterpillar that can teleports it's part. Why did you release this to the world!? Can not stop.... ahhh 

(1 edit)

Beautiful game, Music, Art. Polished. 

Creative way of using the theme!

Well, well done!

Liked this game a lot. Well rounded. The clicking feels a bit excessive. Other then that I can not really say anything else to this game... have to grind those beans if you know what I mean...

Not sure what to think of this game. Am I a planet flying through space? So colliding with other planets or objects will let me grow. I do have this point mechanism but I couldn't see any real growth. I would have expected to grow and the objects around me would become smaller and smaller (If it does then the visuals need to be better balanced). Another problem was that I am "standing" on my own planet? So am I the planet or somethings/someone on it's surface. I got confused here.

Good thing was the controls. Had to playtest a little but ones I had them, felt good and intuitiv. 

Continue the development on this one!

PS: Please do not force the mouse into the game window. I wanted to tap-out to move your game around in its window. Did not let me do it.

(4 edits)

I am not sure what to think of this game. On one hand, one can see the concept of a dungeon that is "growing" somehow with a growing number of enemies in it. If I look to my other hand I see misplaced/aligned walls, no sword swing, no sfx, no menus or tutorials/keybindings but a decent soundtrack.

The biggest problem is that I can not see the direction this game  wants to go. Currently it looks like a bare skeleton of any 3D Dungeon FPS Fighting Game.

In summary: This game needed more time to cook. So keep pushing the development!

Congrats on making your first game Darma! If you continue development make sure to keep us updated! Can not wait to see more of you!

To the game:
Considering this is the first game you ever made this is impressive. We have here a jump and run styled game which is showing a creative use of the "grow" theme and mechanic. The camera moved could have been more polished. Animations and Art were realy great! 

Not my exact cup of tea as a game but still good game. The mechanics of different enemies were interesting to see. What i found very good was the way how the controls felt. It is difficult to get a smoothed feel for mouse input. This could be a good game for android/iOS.

this game, is featuring the most cute and idiotic robot I have seen in a long time. Crazy good and simple Design. The way of adding a little RNG into the mix by utilizing different blocks and random side choosing of the robot creates a somewhat addicting mechanic. 

I really hope this game makes it into the App Store!

Would play it on my phone!