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I Have Diseases

A member registered Jun 06, 2018 · View creator page →

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I love this game, a lot. 

The music for the game is great and I love the art style. You might've made me fall in love with a fictional character. Maskeguy is totally my favourite and I would love to hug him no matter how edgy and mysterious he is. His little blush is so adorable ^-^

From what I've noticed in the game it seems all of the characters are very secretive. Some seem to be willing to help you but each time they do you just figure out more mystery factors of them. I like games with a mystery element so I totally dig it. If this is for the player to decide who to trust then I believe it's smart to do so. Many visual novels that I read don't usually have a good bias and will sometimes, even accidently, make people gravitate towards specific characters because the maker made that one most trustworthy. The fact the no one trusts anyone and everyone has their own secrets really helps that common issue. 

The game also has seperate groups of people. None of which we are told to trust. I like how you put a nice spin on the common misconception that angels are always the good guys. I also like how you involved the deadly sins gluttony, sloth, lust, envy, pride, greed, and the last one that I can never remember. The detail of each group that Maskeguy tells you about is impeccable and I found it very heplful. It seems as if the group that Maskeguy falls in is the only one he semi likes. The demons and angels seem to have a power that many nonsupernaturals fear. Which I find also very interesting that we few are the ones that aren't as scared. 

All in all I really love this game and can not wait for another chapter!

I can't say enough about this visual novel. I love it all! The music is amazing an the character designs are so clean and some how add a lot of emotion into the game. I did the Finn and Ezra route and the just Ezra route so far. Ezra is adorable and yet still very surprising. I love their forms when they fight for you, it adds a more beautiful aspect to them. The glow of the magic in the game is honestly amazing and satifies me in some way. Overal, so for I would say that this game is literally a 12/10.

Really good game, only issue is for me it is very laggy on windows. I try to turn and it turns very slowly with a lot of smudges?

Just playing this to see what it is...

Kill me

I love this game so much! Slightly feel bad for all the animals though. I love the plot twists!