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I don't want a name

A member registered Nov 14, 2022

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Nice. Are there already some in the game or are they coming soon? 

About armor. I understand like most of them like the underware for example but what Is the + supposed to be?

Having it finished by the end of the year sound pretty amazing to me!

But take your time don't overwork yourself! 

(1 edit)

Awesome game!! Just some questions. 

So is there an armor piece for every slot in the game already or am i just missing them? 

And how did you guys beat that sword girl? When she reaches her 2nd phase and shoots these lasers I literally can't do anything. 

And just out of curiosity: how long would it approximately take to finish development completely (no need for an answer if you don't know or don't want to answer)? 

Edit: And what are the stick 9 and 10 things on the android one? How to dash?