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A member registered Feb 17, 2022 · View creator page →

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hey, this jam seems great! is there a discord server for this jam?

this gamejam is mamash nafool venira keilu grimes hechin otto

(1 edit)

The question is not why, it's why not

Yes I am gaming

I actually thought about making another Dialoge for when you click the death buttons, but decided not to

i just wanted to ask there if there is a theme for the game jam

Four Color Art Jam community · Created a new topic discord

is there a discord?

i really like how the carrot moves with the beat


thank you! i am always happy to see fans' work

its banana 5 with the ability to spawn fruits

one of the better banana 5 fan games. kinda like if banana 5 was candy crash

this is the best banana 5 fan game i have seen yet

whoever made this is a jenius

everyone is making a banana 5 fan game! this one is just banana 5 as a platformer. i am so proud of my loving community

basically another banana 5 fan game. but way more family-friendly. thx for exposing my game in a way that people can enjoy it in all ages 

another banana 5 fan game. this time the twist is that you need to collect the enemies instead of avoiding them

i like this banana 5 fan game


best game in this jam yet



why do i got a feeling you are talking about mine

The grape mafia must rule the world or at least the post apocalyptic lab. Foreshadowing moment

HedgeJam #4 community · Created a new topic Topic

I saw that there are no topics here so I started one

but if you for example making a snake game. is it allowed to watch a tutorial on how to make a snake game?