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A member registered Feb 06, 2021 · View creator page →

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says the person who literialy has a name stating that you like henai

in the post of me saying week 7 is inaporoprate like 100 ppl kept telling me im being a baby about wanting a family freindly mode even tho i just wanted to show the game to me parents without getting grounded

i see another cyberbully here to ruin my self esteem

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im making a just shapes and beats FNF mod, but idk how to compost music, if you play JSAB or like it, know how to make FNF/JSAB like music, pls comment below  that you wanna help.

(songs i would have remixed: corrupted, long live the new fresh, Chronos, milky ways,l a danse macabre, flowers of anitimomy, baracude, sevcon, termination shock, lycanthropy, dubwoofer substep, close to me, spectra, final boss, into the zone, anihilate. (in that order))

i will give credit to you and the original creators of JSAB and the songs and you dont need to do all of them if multiple people help

well that doesn't fix much, now does it?

literally everyone here is a cyberbully at this point :/

im literialy a teenager who wanted to show this game to my family

exactly, thats exactly what i wanted to do 


why is everyone calling me a baby and getting on my case!? im just saying there should be the option for those who actually care about it

Jesus, you shouldn't be saying "f*ck off" when you eleven!

jeez, im just saying i think there should be the option for those who want, im a teen and even i don't like all the cussing

bird up

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can we please have a kid friendly mode or something? where it gets rid of all inappropriate things, like blue balls, dads pubic hair, tankman's language and senpais language.

 you could change controls and turn off balls and dad's pubic hair.

haha nice

he doesnt want the girlfriend he was jsut hired by the dad (but secretly wants to quit)

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the sun on his screen is his eye btw

retron (sings retrowave music) (also if you did add this guy, i would like credit for the character design)