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A member registered Jun 07, 2020

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(1 edit)

omg i absolutely adored playing this!! the art, music, writing, and overall atmosphere were a delight to experience!! i got cirrus' "bored" ending first; even though i went "oh NOOOOOOO" as it played out i do love a good fucked up ending LMAOOO and it only pulled me into the game more. really enjoyed getting led into his route; yeah he's a little sus from the start but during the prayer scene when he says "on your knees" and his voice changes--ohohohoho, yeah i was LOOKING. (also, his blush when he says he'll reward your honesty plenty? wowwwie) all these red flags but i am simply a bull in an arena <3 

big fan of cirrus as you can tell, but keir's route was also wonderful! falling in with the crew + company was so cute, and MC's banter with all of them (but especially keir) is super fun. despite budding camaraderie, i did also enjoy the distance/wariness that is still present since MC is nonetheless so new to the group--though the fact it's sort of the inverse in the "sold out" ending is fun ;) ("if he goes down you go down"--being new/largely unrelated means nothing, then, heheh). and keir patting MC on the head in the "welcome home" end (and the fact that it's looking to become a habit!) and saying they are a good egg is so sweeeet. 

the fancy stranger seems like a cutie, wonder what his story is! <3 i can't seem to get endings 2 and 9, but i definitely enjoyed the ones i did get all in their own way. i may now be a little bit obsessed with this game--absolutely looking forward to what more you'll do with it! thank you for such a wonderful and lovely demo!!