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A member registered Oct 03, 2015 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

No need to apologize to me! I'm just a curious bystander. Outlining is not against the rules, but if you've started making the game earlier than September (i.e. put together assets, writing, etc), then that's a problem! I recommend removing it to avoid any trouble down the line, especially since this is a competitive jam for money. Your game looks fun though, so I'll definitely check it out soon. :)

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Hi! I just had a clarifying question, what do you mean by "I've been working on throughout the year?"

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Hi! I played your game and I really dug its aesthetic! I loved the rubber hose art style and the watercolor backgrounds (i am a sucker for those!) the voice acting was also top notch, everyone did such a good job!


This is a great start, especially for a game done in 30 days! I'M LOOKING FORWARD TO THE project'S DEVELOPMENT. :)

Hi Jay,

First of all, I wanted to say that I'm glad you're in a much better place mentally than you were almost two years ago and I'm glad you're still here despite the whatever happened long ago and your recent rough patch. <3

Secondly, thank you for both of your comments. It's true that this is one of my earlier works so thus, it's not as polished as my most recent titles and sometimes, I do get down about myself when looking back at past work. Reading your comments has helped me see the value in Another Day. Knowing that it has a special place in your heart and that it's helped you through a really tough point in your life fills me with such joy, and I'm grateful to have someone like you play one of my games. :) <3

Thank you! <3

DSHIJKFHEWJKGHJKT4R THANK YOUUUU!!!! I'M SO EXCITED FOR YOU TO PLAY THE FULL GAME!!! I just know you're going to love Peppermint's route. :3c

Ahhh, thank you Melody for the kind words! And I agree, Enya's absolutely adorable and must be protected at all costs!

Thank you so much for the kind review! :)

(3 edits)

As someone who streamed this game, I want to give my thoughts I said at the end of my stream because the stream was 3 hours long and I'm not entirely sure if you will watch all of that for 1-2 minutes of feedback. 😅

Starting off with the positives, I really loved the art. It was beautiful and the amount of detail in all of them were impeccable (i.e  the portrait changing in the House). The overall concept of being isekai'd into the body of a villainess who is in a romance novel is pretty neat and a nice departure from what we typically see in the genre (from my experience). I think there's a lot of potential for this concept and I could see said potential while I played. While I couldn't listen to the music on stream due to copyright, I took some time offstream to listen to it and I liked it! Also, that fancy axolotl with 12 legs and sharp teeth? Love them. I don't know why, I just do.

However, with that being said, I think there are issues that are holding this game back some of which has been mentioned already. 

Writing: At times, I enjoyed it. There were times I laughed really hard because of the absurdity of it. But there were also times where I was a little confused. The abrupt change in flow during conversations, unnecessary padding, and the hammering of jokes (i.e. wainscoting), hurt the story for me. If the writing can be tightened up and use the running gags sparingly, I think it'll help tremendously.

Animations: These need to be quicker and used less often. One transition (when you first enter the House) was 2 minutes long. While I liked the idea of an establishing shot, there is no reason it should last so long. There were times I had to click through just to get to the end because I personally couldn't wait that long for the transition to finish up. I did like the zoom-ins, like in the carriage and such. I just think they need to be a tad quicker and used sparingly, or in place of some of them, have the game dissolve to that area of the background.

Optimization: I was a little shocked to see the game be 2.4 GB and I believe it's due to the art which, while beautiful, seems to be causing stuttering and lag. I strongly encourage you to find a way to make the files smaller (I had to do this for a game) by using GIMP's batch image converter and changing the images to .webp. This will result in a huge decrease in overall file size with minimal impact on quality.

I think there's a lot of potential here, and I apologize if my feedback is at all hurtful because as an indie dev myself, I know how rough it can be seeing constructive feedback like this. But I want y'all to know that this is a demo and this does not reflect the final product or you as devs. I can see how much hard work y'all have put into this game as it shows in the product itself. I just think there are some issues that need to be ironed out.

Thank you for giving me the opportunity to play this game on stream. I'll be cheering y'all. ❤️

Thank you so much for playing, and I'm glad you love Karrus (he's such a cutie!) 

I want to do more games with Karrus for sure! A couple of ideas are floating around in my head are a short wedding-themed game + a bigger game that details your adventure with him, from beginning to end! Though right now, I have a few other projects on my plate and I'm funding them with my own money. So, for right now, Karrus will need to take a backseat until I'm equip to work on these ideas. :)

Though, if you like Karrus, consider buying the wallpaper bundle if you can! It has the three CGs from this game as well as six new original illustrations and three chibi wallpapers. :)


Yeee, theatre is so neat (though I'm a musical girlie so I don't know if I count lmao), and I've always wanted to create a character whose passion was that. Unfortunately for Ziri, she's my character so she's gotta go through some trauma XD

Beth did such a fantastic job with Ziri. Honestly, when I heard hear takes, I felt bad for putting Ziri through all this.

Thank you Chim for playing and for your kind words as always! <3

ROSE, THIS IS FANTASTIC! You always KILL it in the art/presentation department. Everything was super cohesive. The story was really nice, and shows how fear can often be our downfall. (Also that bad ending WAS SO WELL EXECUTED! Wasn't expecting it honestly!) Excellent job, Rose! <3

Well damn, poor Andromache girl got the shit draw in life. ;~; Vanessa did a great job at portraying her heartbreak of having to choose between the two most important people in her life: her deceased husband whom she wants to remain faithful to, or her living son who's been brought into this mess because of Pyrrhus and his desire to show control.

Excellent job at bringing this tragedy to life. <3

P.S. "Did you know? You can't lick your elbow." :( why you gotta make me remember that? Now I'm even more sad.


Loved the banter between Genzou and Iggy here, and how both connect with each other about how they struggle with their roles in different ways. The hand choices were really good, and it definitely forced you to think about how talk in the conversation while trying to get a good end where these two gay idiots kissed.

I ADORE the UI, setting, and writing. I really love how much you incorporated Dragon's Dogma into your game!!!!

Excellent job as always, Carrot! :)

The way my jaw dropped at the SECOND SENTENCE IN THIS VISUAL NOVEL. Such a good way to set the tone for players who aren't familiar with your previous works.

The parallax effect was so neat, it really made me feel like I was in that moment, watching the chapel burn while The Savior speaks to me. The writing's stellar, you somehow always make the most twisted things sound beautiful! That's such a awesome skill to have. <3

Fantastic job, Kat. You're always delivering bangers!

PRRIIIII <3 <3 <3 <3 ;~;

Yeah, failure really...fucking sucks. It's so hard to move on from it, but I think if you have the right support, it gets easier to do so. I don't know if someone can completely ever move on from it (maybe that's just me), but it definitely gets easier once you have that strong support system in place to reassure you that life isn't over.

I've already told you how much I appreciate your love towards this game, but I'll say it again here! Thank you so much for playing, I love ya girl. I'll make sure to tell the other team members you liked their work! <3


First of all, sorry for the tears. It's a Kristi guarantee that my games will be emotionally-provoking in some way XD

Ziri's pain I feel like is something that so many of us can relate to, especially nowadays where dreams seem even further out of reach. And often, moving on from a dream is a lot like grief. It's difficult to process, and it's something you learn to cope with. It hits you every now and again out of nowhere, and you're reminded of the pain. 

YESSS!!!! Mustache did a fantastic job with the art. I remember my jaw dropping when I saw the finalized cg!

AHHH THANK YOU!!! Beth hit it out of the park. When I heard her takes for some of the last few lines, I was like "Damn...I wrote this and I'm kinda getting emotional what the hell?" XD

THE MUSIC IS SO GOOD OH MY GOOOD! I gave Corinna a few notes on the story's tone and what emotion the music to invoke, but gave her free reign for the most part. I think it was a day or two after the jam began when she dropped THIS BEAUTIFUL TRACK ON ME AND I'M LIKE "TALENT. PURE TALENTTTTT!!!!

Thank you so much for your amazing comment, Carrot. I always find joy in reading them. I'll be sure to forward your compliments to the other team members! <3 <3 <3

Haha, sorry for breaking your heart Asthar! Thank you so much your kind words, I'll be sure to forward your compliments to the artist and voice actress! :) <3

Had a ton of fun streaming this! Horror + romance is my jam, but it's such a rare combo so seeing this game submitted to Otome Jam was such a pleasant surprise!

I really loved the music. Rice did a phenomenal job not only creating funky tunes, but also more serious unsettling tracks for when the story called for them.

My stream chat really liked the UI, and I was personally a fan of the BGs! The night variation of all the BGs were my favorites out of the bunch. I particularly loved the lake BG at night. It's so beautiful (but also haunting given I don't trust lakes at campsites 💀)

In terms of feedback (please feel free to ignore me as these points are relatively minor), this is what stood out to me:

• The need of transitions inbetween scenes, especially when going from day to night with the same background. I think they would help with making it feel like time is passing!

• There were one or two instances where I felt like the game perhaps should have explained what was happening through description or dialogue. For example, with the diary, I think it would have benefited more from the player describing the entries and them reading it aloud before saying how sad it makes them feel and why. 

Phenomenal job all around, and I can't wait to play more. 💕

Hehe, thank you Grey! 💜


We're so glad you enjoyed the game! Everyone did such a fantastic job, so I'm glad you've had nothing but compliments for every aspect of the game <3

Yeah... The industry is in such a shit spot at the moment, and I'm sorry your boyfriend is having to deal with the reality of it atm. I hope that everything works out for him and he finds a stable job that makes him happy!

DSJIKFGJLK GONNA MAKE ME CRY AHHHH ;~; Thank you so much, L, that really means a lot! Be sure to check out everyone else's stuff too. :3c

For the neutral ending, you want to get less than six points! There's a number of ways to get the neutral ending, since, as the name implies, being neutral with Enya and some choices can yield in negative points. 

From looking at the game very quickly, here's what I suggest doing!

1) Help Enya (+1 Point)

2) Don't eat with Enya (No points rewarded)

3) Take Enya to the meeting (+1 Point)

4) Don't compliment Enya's drawings (No points rewarded)

5) Give Enya generic advice on handling toxic criticism (+1 Point)

6) Don't tell Enya about the nightmare (No points rewarded)

7) Thank Enya for standing up for Diana after their meeting with Godric (+1 point)

8) Don't approach Enya (No points rewarded)

Thank you for the videos! I'm glad you enjoyed the game <3

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I'm glad you liked the best ending! It was definitely my favorite one to write. >:)

I apologize for your meh experience with the web version. I tested it out just now and the audio worked for me, so I'm not sure what caused it to not work on your end. Ren'Py web versions always have this funky errors. ;~; 

(3 edits)

Is the 5k ratings requirement really necessary? Why should players be required to give this game that many ratings so they can get a happy ending that should have already been in the game to begin with? I should note that there's nothing wrong with asking for a review, but when it's done like this, it's incredibly dishonest especially when games on this platform rely heavily on reviews to get seen by players. This tactic is like a giant slap to the face to your fellow game devs, some of whom wait months in-between for a single review.

I strongly suggest you reconsider your approach to this matter, and release the ending that your players and Zilas rightfully deserved from the very beginning.


AHHH, thank you for your comment, Neci! They're always such a treat to read~

I'm actually super intrigued and happy hearing your experience regarding the MC. When writing her, we definitely wanted to highlight how her addiction is very much a problem and how she likes to stand up for herself and others could not only be a benefit, but also be a detriment in certain situations (i.e. meeting King Karamel). 

In regards to Lakritz calling MC Sweet Tart because you're not the only one to wonder about that! It's just a nickname, and the reason why Lakritz choose it is explained briefly in his route, but it's a funny coincidence, right? ;)

To answer your question about the routes, the demo covers the entire common route. So, yes, you'll be locked into either Lakritz or Peppermint's route. You should be able to pick off right where you left off from the demo, though sometimes Ren'Py save files can be unloadable with updates and such. If that does happen, I'll include a choice at the start of the full release for demo players to jump into either Peppermint or Lakritz' route so y'all don't gotta replay through the common route if you don't want to!

Ahhh, thank you for the kind words, Sunfire! The team did such a fantastic job in all aspects, I honestly can't thank them all enough for all the work that they've put into this project.

I'm glad you loved between relationship Diana and Enya! Those tiny details you mentioned were done by my wonderful co-writer and co-lead, Pri. She's so good with tiny details like those, and I think they really helped enhance both our characters and their developing relationship.

YESSS!! I love creating representation where it is sorely needed. As a Latina woman, it was such a joy to see myself represented in Diana.

Again, thank you so much for your wonderful comment, Sunfire. Be sure to check out the rest of the team's games as well (everyone has their own projects going on). They're all so talented and creative. <3

Thank you for playing Heiden.

I am so sorry that you endure that. It's disgusting and I hope the event organizers are ashamed of themselves for allowing that to take place. Thank you for being brave and sharing your experiences. You are such a strong individual, and I hope that if I ever do see you at a IRL event, I get to hug ya cause you deserve one and so much more. <3

THIS WAS SO CUTE!!!! Cassie x Eleanor, my queens, my OTP. 

On a more serious note, this was a beautiful story. I loved the ambience of the rain that played during most of the runtime, I think it really helped make the player get into Eleanor's shoes and understand how awkward it is to be around Cassie when she's unaware of her feelings. It's only when Eleanor lets her feelings be known that the music begins to play. The music made that particular moment feel so powerful. It honestly really moved me.

This was an excellent first game, Corinna. I can't wait to see more from you.

This was so cute! I really loved the art style (pixel art is always such a delight to see). Guinevere was an ABSOLUTE BLAST TO PLAY AS! She's so lively and funny. <3

The rest of the cast were great too, I really loved everyone, but I think my favorite had to be Mordred (I love men with scarves, okay?).

Kudos to you and the rest of the team for making a great game! :D 

I love Frederick and would die for him. The game's overall style was impeccable. The sketchy, pencil (maybe charcoal?) art style WAS AMAZING! It's always a treat to see this kind of style in games.

I loved that even though the game's color palette was black and white (for the most part), Frederick popped out against the dark, ominous dungeon background.

The music was also fantastic too, excellent job in choosing the music! Each track matched up with the scene's perfectly. My favorite HAS to be "Slow Motion." It's gentle and slow. Aside from me being an absolute sucker for slow songs with strings + piano involved, the track really encompassed the warm yet somber atmosphere the game had going for it. Frederick's would look at you warmly and without judgement, meanwhile the player, may have had other intentions and could easily eat him invoking that somber tone I mentioned earlier; invoking a sense of guilt.

Anyway, enough rambling! Fantastic job. I'm looking forward to playing more games from you!

TAKE ALL MY HUGS HEIDEN!!! This is a really cute and heartfelt game. I loved the overall message of listening to others and being there for them, even if the outcome afterwards may not be the most desirable one.  Thank you for making such an adorable game!

This was SUPER CUTE AHHHHH! The art is ADORABLE, and so are the characters. I want to hug Solaris so badly, poor helmet baby needs one. And so does Kaiser (even if he might not want it at first).

Their heart-to-heart at the top of the ride was really touching, and I think the music that played really added to the moment. Solaris, someone who hasn't been able to find comfort in anyone as of yet, was able to finally find it in Kaiser, a fellow knight he admired but also found intimidating. Meanwhile, Kaiser, also found a friend in Solaris. To me, that was just so sweet and really heartwarming.

When they held hands, I SCREAMED!!! I'm super invested in these guys' relationship, whether it stays platonic or develops into something romantic I'M HERE FOR IT!!!

Thank you so much for creating such a tooth-rotting game. <3

(1 edit)

1) Not you saying first. What is this, YOUTUBE?

2) Thank you for your kind words, Seven! It's thanks to everyone's hard work over the past month that Monochrome Pixels was able to come out in the fantastic state that it did! I'm still astounded by what we were able to pull off in a month's time. I honestly couldn't have asked for a better team. <3

Chatt! Thank you so much for your kind words (and wonderful review) on our game! As Pri said, we're really happy to see that you enjoyed the game, and have a lot to say about it. Your comments are always a joy to read. <3

Coming up with the character designs was really fun. I LOVED that you took notice of the tracksuit, because when we were concepting the character designs, I looked up Bobby Kotick (former CEO of Blizzard) and what he wore, and saw he wore a business casual-like tracksuit attire, and I knew right then and there THAT HAD TO BE GODRIC'S OUTFIT.

The current state of the industry is scary, but there's hope. I think if we continue to make our voices heard and push for change, the industry will change for the better.

Again, thank you so much for playing Monochrome Pixels, Chatt! <3

This game has been put on hiatus due to a lack of funding, since everything is coming out of my own pocket. 

Just like in the demo, the full game will have self-voicing so if your PC has a screen reader on, it should be able to read the text.

I can't answer the last question about a release date. My apologies.

Not at this time, no.

Thank you for playing, Stary! Glad you liked the game. I'm also demiromantic and ace. :D *High fives*

Thank you, Don. ❤️