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Spencer Wilson

A member registered Jul 13, 2020

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Super sorry to hear about the most recent build issues. This was (and still is) an absolutely phenomenal mod and it sucks to see something so destabilized so abruptly. I hope you do continue this mod as it has made my experiences within Foxhole so visceral and meaningful but at the same time do what you gotta do for your own health, ya know?

Out of curiosity, why have you decided to assign the mod's SFX volume to the music volume slider?

An absolutely phenomenal sound design mod. The mod itself has adaptive / reactive capabilities (distance gunfire sounds muted, explosions cause in game ringing) that go such a long way into enhancing the overall Foxhole experience. The sounds themselves are clean and crisp, being just loud enough. The world and war feels alive, environments that felt auditorily lack luster now feel rich and alive. Firefights feel... traumatic and brutal.

The sound design in this mod leans more towards creating a realistic sounding battlefield as opposed to a more cinematic rendition of one.

A+. Keep updating it. This with 1.0 will be absolutely wild.