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A member registered Oct 21, 2018

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One of the most meaningful things about this game is how little of a role you as the player has in the revolution. It's the normal people that form the unions, organize protests, and participate in mutual aid. You as the character didn't have a part in that. At most, the player interprets the people's economic situation into political terms, which leads to the workers forming their own solutions. This shows how normal people, as soon as they understand how their own conditions relate to the economic system as a whole can change society overnight if they wished.

The day the working class stands up and demands a society that doesn't treat them as a means to making profit is coming. The divide between those who have to sell their labor, and those who buy the labor, has never been so great.

One of the best games I've ever played. Great job, honestly.

Will be waiting for a sequel :)

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Is your idea of socialism so basic that you’ll use this to try to satisfy your lack of arguments? Many socialist examples, including China and Cuba fully allowed reactionaries to leave the country. If you think that any future post capitalist society will run exactly like Russia, you need to modernize your thinking.