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A member registered Feb 26, 2020 · View creator page →

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i got 69

(1 edit)

This is great! Quite funny


That should work

This is insanely difficult, otherwise it is great

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This. Is. Amazing.

That last level was quite difficult, but I finally got it. Nice game

Themes+2 community · Replied to 89o in 8by8
(1 edit)

Oh that is unfortunate... But i like the screen resolution idea much  more!

Themes+2 community · Created a new topic 8by8

I love the idea of the 8 by 8 screen resolution! That is a really interesting idea! I think i am going to try that out on it's own, unless I can squeeze in some other themes/challenges.

Oh thank you! I did not know this. I appreciate the information!

This is nice, Ill use this from now o

That is a really cool game! I think you should continue developing this

I don't really get why I am dying. Every now and then it just drains very rapidly and I can't figure what is causing it or how to stop it. Other than that though it is a fantastic game for the time limit! 

(3 edits)

I went about 30 minutes over 3 hours, I ran into so many problems and I am not very happy with the results of this game... But it was still fun to make.

It is actually quite fun, though I found a spot where you can stand without moving and win every time... Still cool though.

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Yeah I realized that, but since the points don't do anything other than increase the difficulty it isn't a great strategy lol. I mean you could just stay off the screen the whole time but that isn't fun. I mean not that it is fun normally but you get the point.

This was for the UDC Jam Week #13 Jam. Their theme was Stealth, so I Combined that with Darkness, though honestly that is not much of a challenge. I am new to game development so I chose to not use more than one of the Themes/Challenges.

Do not use the fullscreen button that Unity provides, please use the one by itch. For some reason the top of the screen got cut off, I can't figure out why so you're just going to have to deal with it... sorry. Any feedback would be appreciated!

Yeah this is my first time using unity, next time ill make backups lol. I don't have any more time to work on it because I am going to a party now, so I have given up on this game. kind of sucks, I devoted a lot of my time to it.

Literally everything was working fine and now all of a sudden all of my key game mechanics have just vanished. I want to die

I am new to jams. Are we allowed to use sound effects from free online sources? Or do we have to make them ourselves?