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A member registered Dec 05, 2017 · View creator page →

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Hi, that game is really nice, interesting patterns, and so nice work on the music and sounds. Well done ! 

Woow this one is amazing. Nice graphics, huge OST, hard as hell, i can't even beat the 2nd stage boss for now x) Well done man ! 

I missed the 1CC on normal on the last boss. haha. 
Well done man, i loved the OST. 
Cool game ! 

The game looks great ! Is the project still alive ? 

Thank you so much for this piece of art. This have been one of the best experience I ever had in a game. 

Cool Game ! 

Beautiful game, i really liked it ! 

Envoutant c'est le mot. L'ambiance générale, les graphismes,  la musique, les couleurs, les anims. C'est franchement prenant. Je joue à un paquet de jeux au gameplay action/platform 2D, et celui là a vraiment ce coté "oh merde ça fait 3h que j'ai pas décroché". x) 

Haha j'ai du mal à imaginer la quantité d'heures que vous avez passé sur le dev, vu la qualité générale de l'ensemble à tous les niveaux. 

Bref, je vous souhaite tout le meilleur pour la suite ! GLHF ! 

Pretty cool game !

Excellent x)

Hey! I just watched your video about decisions in game, and saw this game as illustration. It's really good game, really liked it! Well done ! :)

this game is awesome ! :)
Reminds me a lot of Antichamber. Very well done !

This game is really cool !

I use keyboard, i have no gamepad to try.
There's a short delay after i press any key. 0.2s or so i guess.
If i press any direction very fast, small impulse, most of the time, the input is ignored.
As a Unity dev too, did you put the controls in FixedUpdate ?

Hi ! nice graphics, but i get an input delay which is hard to handle, especially with the ship speed ^^ Nice job though ;)