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A member registered Jun 04, 2021

Recent community posts

I saw your stream, you didn't notice that you have hunger under hour. When hunger is <= 0 then you die.

Thank you for the feedback. You should be able to collect at least 2 plots during the day. So the timer shouldn't be faster than the speed of character's movements. I'm surprised. What can we do about it? Could you describe the problem in more detail?

Yes, I know. It was unfinished.

I already fixed it. But to upload an update I need to wait for Brackeys Game Jam 2021.2 end. One more time huge thanks for the feedback.

Yes, this is known bug. Usually could be fixed by holding a or d before playing the game. It needs to be something related to emscripten and I still didn't find out what causes it. This doesn't happen in desktop version. Thanks for the feedback.

Use A and D to move the ufo, press space to change laser (you need to buy it first). Your goal is to collect cows, avoid enemies and buy upgrades.

Just use A and D keys to move and space to change laser. Thanks for the comment.

(1 edit)

I will be making a game in C++ using SDL2 library. Any programmer/graphic designer/musician searches for team? Currently we have a team of two programmers. You could write me a discord message: Huberti#4578

Calculator is better

Thank you. You will loose your money if your health will get lower or equal to 0. That's the job of monsters.

Thank you

Currently you can explore the world.

I added a web build. Now you can run it within your browser.

Hi, if you are using Windows Defender you should click "More info" and "Run anyway".

I sumbitted it on 10-13-2021 at 1:27 PM, also you didn't mention that I can't sumbit it to another game jam.

I submitted a game but it disappeared. It was called Mincraft. What's wrong?

Thank you! :)

Thank you.

Thank you.

Thank you for the comment.

Thank you

Thank you :)