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A member registered Feb 25, 2017

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oh ok, thanks!

When I send Glyntris to the castle, and talk to her, she just mentions her greatfulness and it the talk ends. Was it intentional that she is the only one that doesn't initiate her scene when talked to, or is that a glitch? If intentional, is there something I need to do to activate it? Or do I just have to give her to the brothel? If it's a glitch, I wanna make sure you're (the dev, if someone else answers this for me) aware of it.

That makes sense. Though the fact that you've stuck with it and seem to be very active makes you arguably one of the best devs I've seen. Games with way more notoriety just end up dropping some games. Anyway, love the game, thanks.

Is this game being produced by only you?? Because its insanely large, thorough, and well done.

Same crash, for me, I think It's because I got one slime juice (LUBE) off on the cowgirl before dying, and now it doesn't know what to do when entering the crystal cavern... Unfortunate, was hoping to play all it had to offer in current release, great game...

I haven't downloaded this, I was just roaming when I saw this, so I may be wrong here, but generally when that happens for me it tends to be my antivirus software, check any of its quarantine chests to see if that's what's up.