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A member registered 26 days ago

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(1 edit)

Like many others recently, I discovered Iron Pineapple's video. The art direction and gameplay immediately hooked me. I created an account just to play this. The demo is relatively short. I've played through the arena mode multiple times and completed the demo about four times. The combat is addictive! I adore the party system, and unlike a few others I've seen, I appreciate the healing options and find them relatively balanced. The variety of enemies is the highlight of the demo. The arena mode also adds even more. The environment is beautiful, including the uniquely designed enemies that are simply cool. The bosses are enjoyable and fairly challenging.

Of course, there are a couple of areas for improvement. The UI was my biggest issue. It didn’t look very clean, and if it were more professional-looking, the game would immediately be perceived by new players as a higher-tier soulslike. The only other complaint I have is that some enemy attacks are not well telegraphed, but that might be more of a problem with my skill than the game itself.

I am eagerly anticipating this game and hope for a full release soon. I've been watching some YouTube videos and seeing some of the bosses you have created, and I can't wait. I wish the team the best and hope that this game reaches the popularity of soulslikes like Lies of P and Another Crab’s Treasure.