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Horror Sanek

A member registered Sep 18, 2021

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(you can balance as you want)

developer I want to suggest a character. you can make a character half human half some 4-legged animal, like a lillia from the league of legends, she has two body parts, one human second deer, and make this character can swallow up to 4 opponents, two in one stomach and two in the second and from so to 5

abilities (if you do with hooves) 

this character is more of a tank and half a damage dealer

max.hp-350 max mana-200 

passive ability tenacity: reduces the chance of being swallowed by 20-50% depending on hp, the less the higher the chance strong constitution: takes up two places and increases digestion time from 3 to 4

normal attack-hit with a hoof

second hind hoof attack deals double damage and costs 25 energy

third attack-hugs!

the character hugs an ally and increases his characteristics by 2 turns (moves will be spent when the character who was hugged walks)

vore attacks:

the first is the most common (but if the enemy was moved to the second stomach after a mortal wound on the character, he will not run away)

the second attack (part of the strength) - the character swallows an ally and increases his stamina (gives a little protection and reduces the chance of being swallowed by 20%, from 2 to 4 moves depends on hp and opponents inside the character who are given protection)

third attack (I will protect you) - the character swallows an ally and holds him and increases his defense for 3 turns (with this attack, you can only swallow allies who have critical health, but while this ability is active, the character cannot swallow anyone else)

all new features will be only on patreon?

this game is awesome i would like to continue , i will be sad if developmet stops or if it is for donat anyway good luck