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A member registered Jul 08, 2018

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Awesome! Thanks for the quick reply. I have defeated all the totems I'm just having trouble finding information on where to find the key to get to the Formatter. Afterwards I'm looking forward to what you guys have planned for the arcade mode.

Having played through the majority of the game I've come across a few re-occurring questions that I'm sure I'm not the only person to have thought of. I'll list them here in case there are any readily available answers.

1. There seems to be a very large difference between melee and magic builds. The damage increase with the magic book and increasing your MP seems to be minimal  compared to just swinging my sword, regardless of how I build.

2. Progression seemed to be really fast , although this may be just because I got lucky. I went from having to kill things by jumping back and forth with around ~20 damage per hit every second or so to finding a "Thousand Blades Sword" that boosted my damage to 96 and I was hitting with attack speed 90, making me nearly unkillable. At that point I went through and killed every boss within 30 seconds.

3. Is there somewhere to find information about skills or abilities? Most of them do seem to be self-explanatory, but for some inexperienced players it may be a little confusing. Maybe a tool tip in-game would help. Currently I do not know what life-drain or ghost dash does.

4. Is there any point to having more adventure points? I seem to have over 1000 right now and I don't really see a use to them after getting all your skills. This is fine I just was wondering if there is a further use or plans for more.

5. Is there a difference between the elements and how they work with elemental equipment? I haven't found a reason to switch my element for any reason besides changing my color.