Hey this is great to see! I was wondering the same thing, since there was just so many on your profile. Interesting to see the inner workings, I should check out PixelComposer. Great work!
The R appears when what you're carrying is too heavy, tried to make it more of a reminder, but I think I made the threshold for it to appear too low. Thanks for the feedback! And thanks for playing!
This was gnarly, great use of the limitation! Really neat mechanic, opens up a world of possibilities, and you did awesome with the level design. Sick work!
Thank you very much!! I hadn't even considered left handedness, something to keep in mind for the future, thanks! Second time working with the composer, it's been a genuine joy to, he's super talented!
I was able to give it a proper play this time! Makes a lot more sense, I like the concept a bunch, although I do wish there was more challenge to compliment the upgrades. The art/palette is very nice to look at too! Great work!
Thanks for the great feedback!! The animation was fun to make, glad you liked it! The "R" key should've popped up over the magnet if it was too heavy, alongside the battery itself turning red too, but that could've definitely been more clear.
Thanks for the feedback! I'm glad you liked it, it was very fun working on it. I was trying to make the magnet feel like it was actually underwater, though I totally see how it could feel bad to play. I'll have to work on it!
Thanks for playing!! I forget why exactly, but I know I originally turned off collisions, but something wonky was happening, so I just let it be. I appreciate the praise!
Awesome game, great work! Definitely got up and running more after getting the gun, though I do wish the shovel was a bit more satisfying to use. Good job!
I really liked tracing the paths, although I agree with the previous comment, the line should pop up when available instead of pressing space, although that's small. This was really awesome, great work!
I also didn't know you could press space to switch, thought it was pretty slow until then, but after I figured that out it was fun! Cool concept, although I didn't figure out the password, I wasn't sure what the first hint was referring to. Good work!
This was really fun! I liked the climbing/axe mechanic, I'd love to see it expanded on. Great stuff, I want to get into Pico-8, seems like a lot of fun
This is awesome, drifting in the fields was sick. I liked the modifiers too! I did get surrounded pretty heavy and wasn't able to move anymore, his shots kept missing the zombies, but damn this is so cool. Great work!
Neat! I had to go fullscreen in order to see everything properly, sick game though, I was at around 1700 when it finished. I gotta admit though, I didn't see much reason to upgrade anything other than the bomb. Maybe a cooldown on it would've helped? Good work!
This was awesome! My original concept was similar to this, you really nailed it! I had every dog on me in the last stage, still got the win though, fun game!