I bought his game before chapter v was complet I saw the new update and now it says but again when I click on it. It says page couldn't load...how do I get 5.2.1 update....I'm confused...
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No I play and android it's not modded...I think somewhere I missed an option to go to the second arena event and ended up missing it due to other quest options..I have multiple saves around the arena gotta try a Repley and see if I missed the option somewhere....great game dying to know what's next with lira and the queen also 😱 I forgot her name ..oh...wait kitty also...amazing work well worth the price just saying it's way worth it....the story, the drama build up...and oh hea...love the whole book of eli thing you did in there after the ghost girl nice touch...
Bro I got to the pokemon chapters...this game is bomb if you put a price on this game is buy it...nessa is bomb disappointing that no scenes with her yet.(I haven't hit the update wall yet no spoilers...I try to avoid hints) And am curious of the direction that you'll take this for the next chapter. This game does not disappoint amazing work....serious tho this is a gem game here... Am curious if you were gonna throw other dragon ball characters in
I love your games I have all six and a lot of questions I can't find them anywhere I have 6 downloaded here's gaurdian 2 where's the rest of whispering pines I have v.4 incomplete I think it's day 4 or 5 and what happened to aftermath and it's continuation...or is it complete...I don't think I have the complete one...and subscribe star doesn't have them or don't show it...and I couldn't find the patreon versions page and itchio all your games seems removed or can't be downloaded...(new ones not old) I want to know what happens next it's an amazing story plz reply I don't know if your active here spent a day trying to figure out where you went to...cause where I got the games originally was on old site for you...that removed the games been trying to find them since...don't give up...
This is probably a dumb question it's my first time here never heard about this game before I found it by accident...but it says chapter 4 part 3 but does it include the previous chapters...I haven't downloaded it yet doing it now...so I know if I have to get earlier chapters for the full story. Again this is probably a dumb question.
Is there a glitch or did miss something I have like 7 images from the gallery that all say wait till the second arena event..and I get the end of the game and can't find how to trigger it, all quest left say to be continued...and it crashed on the lab girl in mutant base only once ...
P.s.Best game ever hands down...
P.s.s. please tell me lirah gets more of a story she's the best of them all...
I'm a huge fan of the first on third crisis.....I like the idea of where this could go love the art style your using and that you kept to the same style as the first I stead of changing it up like most devs as it messes with the game (if you know what I mean, you know) my only issue is the free version is a bit to short of a playthrough to really grasp how well this plays out...with that said I also understand that this is very very early in Development so not much there for a long play trial....hope this exceeds yours and our expectations for how good this will turn out compared to the first third crisis....keep up the good work I know how difficult it is with coding and script writing.
Don't have a good day have a great day
Your friend. Blue shirt Guy
I was gallery hunting through the game...and hit all the ends but didn't do the ending quests tho...then went through the main story to do the gag whiskey quest but when I did I think i created a glitch cause I meet jewel on the stage dancing but when i try to leave she just leaves it doesn't kick the story where jewel joins me to the storehouse for the quest so i cant get past it i tried reloading old saves reloading before the end quests and sleeping to next day it wont let me past but it did in the pure route. How do I fix that besides just just restarting the game...just thought I'd ask
heads up there's a sound glitch and a freeze point in the second battle of the vr room... It happened when an enemy boosted through my main character taking her out the sound glitched and got stuck on repeat the next turn I tried to move and it froze and then got stuck on the sound again.... Pure route don't know if it matters....the second glitch is when fighting Floria...wildfire moved to the first plant to burn the it says wildfires turn but she doesn't do anything just ends her turn so I can't get to burn the plant...stopping the game and reloading the save to redo the battles seems to fix the issue...but doesnt get rid of it entirely
here's a thought how do I do the pure route...if the only way to move forward is to be reverted...example to place the tracker in the prison you need perversion of 20 I have 7 as perversion so is there a limit to what lvl of perversion you have for Karen or no....just a thought. Because there's no way to actually do a=100% pure route in game one cause she's not a virgin😏 and 2 you have to be perverse to some degree in action to move forward....I ask because Im a completionist whe. It comes to games I 100% all my games. But this one has me confused 🤔
ok my apologies...this is the second download from this source...I've used other sources to download... I stopped playing for months for updates cause the restart...it may have been a source problem then...I just got back to the game the last update and started playing again joined itchio for other games and found the update for CK here....I ramble allot...sorry....
Why is it that when I download the game I have to restart it Everytime.hiw do I get it to transfer saves...also I'm a huge fan of your work on this game...second question why the art change on Morgana and Gwen it was a long time ago when the art changed but just curious I liked the original design for Morgana also I like Gwens original art design the new one does suite her overly obsessed/crazed Attraction (due to awaken) to the mc... Crazy curious about a few plot/story points...but no spoilers don't tell me. Great work your awesome keep it up.🥰🥰🥰
how do I download the game without having to restart the game Everytime...the saves dont transfer to the update. I literally had to give up playing for months to wait for a enough updates to play the game again...I love the game, the story development and am truly curious if I'm right about a few things on this story development...but it drives me nuts to have to restart the game after every update so I wait a few months to get a few updates in before I restart...by now I know the whole story by heart and speed run to the updated parts. Pls help I've been playing this since before you guys changed Gwen character look and Lily had the one piece purple biker outfit wen she gives you the bar also...is lily gonna get the purple one piece biker suit back or are you guys sticking to the new leather outfit as a finale look only....just curious
I completely understand your point and also the financial support for the development of more games I love this game and it's works you guys have done an amazing job I'm still waiting for the complete version I'll support you on subscribe star to see what kind of other great work you guys come up with. Is this the only game you guys have done or are there prior creations before this.
I'm confused why subscribe to him on Patreon if I have to. It the game anyway when it's complete even if it's not and waiting for updates so I have to pay to subscribe to him and then pay to buy the game also. When if I'm subscribed to him shouldn't I get the game free. But if I don't subscribe then I can just buy them game. This makes no sense. Someone explain please. I'm confused how this works.