You can always use winrar on pc and simply move the file to your android device. Or you can use the tool I mentioned below.
Recent community posts
If i may offer a suggestion for android users: ZArchiver is a fantastic app you can pick up on the app store. I recommend it and if you plan on gaming on android a lot, just buy pro. Its worth.
It works on all your archive types from .zip to .7zip and it's more reliable and speedier than other tools I've used.
Hey you!
Thank you for taking the time to respond. I'll sign up for SS once I'm done here then lol
That first jump-scare got me real good, despite how clearly telegraphed it was xD wasn't the worst though, I won't complain about having more options. I think I'll sit on the game for now, till ya drop that update, so I get a better first experience ^v^
So far I have met the gobbos, things have been pretty smooth. The stalker vibe is really intense, the dream sequence really clinched the fear we should have about her. Great stuff.
Thanks again!
Man just spent about 7 hours straight playing. That was a loooong prologue lol enjoyed it though.
Do you plan on revisiting some renders you've already done? I noticed that Fara's first reverse cowboy scene was a little janky. Might just be the android version.
Will you also be going through to fix up typos? I'm assuming your discord server probably has a channel for reporting it lol
Just thought I'd ask those couple questions. I hope you're feeling as satisfied, if not more so, as many of us fans are with the project. Looking forward to the big update 😀
Best wishes to you, and thank you in advance for your time.