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Honor Among Assassins

A member registered 74 days ago

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(1 edit)

Thanks so much! I had only played the night before it was broken, so I couldn't remember if the other cards were added to my hand. I figured that if they did, they might have used the same function so that would narrow the problem down on your end. Ah, well.

Really enjoying this game, thanks so much for getting on it so soon!

Fails at the altar: 5/5. I don't think it's currently working at all. 

Also, are "Cards Unlocked" supposed to go into your deck once you beat an area? If so, that's not working either.

Hi! I've been noticing a problem with using the altars- I change one card and sacrifice 2 more like normal, but at least some of the time, the resulting card never is added to my deck. I'm going to keep track of the number of occurrences for you in a reply- I don't believe this problem was happening when I played yesterday, but I'm not certain.

Also, I saw below that at one point, your intention was for the altar to use 1-3 cards sacrificed to get the new card, but now it always uses 2. Is this on purpose?

Anyway, thanks for making this game! I'm excited to see how it progresses