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A member registered Aug 29, 2018 · View creator page →

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I wouldn't have found this if you hadn't played our dice FPS game too.  The vibe for this one is awesome, I like the take you guys had on the gun mechanics.

Cool ass art assets, really impressive you were able to pull that together. I loved the design of all 4 spells once I got the hang of the gimmick. Only critique I could give would be the teleport feels a little tooooo jarring. It's nice that it punishes mashing but the effect could be tweaked with some camera tweening or something similar to make it feel a little better.

Overall, maybe my favorite game of the jam. Seriously, something about this one is so fun.

Super fun with friends! Astoundingly good pixel art for something made during a jam. It was cool seeing the sprites posted in the project channel during the jam :)

I thought the abilities were super cool and clever. I felt like I was playing an actiony Bennett Foddy game, where I was battling the controls. I liked the inclusion of retrying the last wave rather than starting over.

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