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Homeschool Studios

A member registered Oct 03, 2020 · View creator page →

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Hey dude, it's just a problem with some older devices not being the way Ren'py renders things. Here's a guide that should fix the issue for ya boss. We had this come up a couple of times and changing the rendering settings seems to fix it.

It's still in development, boss.

It might be an issue with the font itself. Let me check a few things and see if I can replicate the problem on my end.

That's weird. What platform are you playing on, first of all?

Just released an update for android!

What version of the game did you download? Also, did you extract the file with admin permissions?

Thanks for the support.

Same here, dude. Hope you'll enjoy the game.

Thanks for the support, man! Wish the same to you as well.

The game will be available to download here on 3/17/2021.