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HL Black Games

A member registered Jan 25, 2017 · View creator page →

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I just wanted to say that this is really exciting to me because my first game was a similar concept to Lost Kingdom, it was a game about a party exploring abandoned mmos and social video games, so I'm glad other people have similar ideas cause it's such a cool concept

OH MY GOD THAT MAKES SO MUCH SENSE I was truly struggling and worried that maybe using a trackpad on my laptop meant I was going too slow on something

The game is really good but I feel truly stupid on the fountain/word tile puzzle 

Exact same thing happened to me rip

Hi I was just wondering if I could still get that link! If not that's alright, I just can't afford to buy the game on itch rn

Thanks!! My email is mblack0909 @ gmail !

Hi this is gonna sound a little silly but I bought this on drivethru and I think that version doesn't come with the basic moves and form fillable playbooks, is there any way I can get just those? I'm fully willing to prove I bought it forever ago!

I hadn't thought of that before, but I'll work on one this week!!! Thank you for the idea!