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A member registered Feb 19, 2021

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Coolio! Thank you!

hi, hello, does anyone know how to get the 4th hearth with Bernard? I've read that it's possible but haven't figured out how.

Does anyone know anything about Garuik?

Help is appreciated

It doesn't. After you get Logan back, you can get a heart with him. You can also get hearts from Bernard after you get him back too. The first heart with Bernard you can get with 40 like (I think, it might be a little bit more) and you get the option to sleep in the same bed when in the cabin thingy. 

(bad explanation, I know lol)

Alright, thank you again for your help!

Okay, thank you! Also, is there a way to go back out of the cave? I saved in a really inconvenient spot

Does anyone know how to get to the Emerine mines with Dulrig? I am stuck :,)

Any help is appreciated

Is 4.4 ever gonna be for free download? sorry if this seems rushing