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A member registered Sep 16, 2017 · View creator page →

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while we don't currently have plans for an ost on bandcamp or anything like that, official uploads of the five original music tracks can be found on youtube! for juneroute they can be found here (Hydro City Zone - Calm Before)here (Hydro City Zone - Lack of Heir)and here (Hydro City Zone - On the Edge), for daveroute it can be found here (ash taylor?! - its heat o clock), and for jaderoute it can be found here (ash taylor?! - i keep secretly making these while etch is asleep lol)

some other unique tracks were provided to us by bbpanzu and julianmocs. most of those are from the Colors and Mayhem (FNF Mod) OST, and official releases of those tracks can be found on spotify.

there's one more fully original track in bonus route 3 that was produced as a commission by james roach! since that route is not yet public i won't say anything more atm 😈

as for our original sound effects i don't forsee us including that on any ost... but they can be found in the game files if you want to listen to them isolated! they were all made by @dare0451, so full credit goes there.

every other music track (bar one uncredited track in Rose's route that's from Wizard101 and two tracks in Tavros's route that are from a music conglomerate called "Trending Tunes" (yes really)) is listed in the credits of the game! so go give that a whirl.

i think a youtube playlist of all the tracks from the game's ost would be awesome but im probably not gonna make that anytime soon asjdfsgfsf

Yes! Juneroute Act 2 is coming, alongside Bonus Route 3 and the rest of Tavrosroute.

:( what kind of error, where? 

if it's the error at the end of the prologue, that's a fake crash we added on purpose

LMK if it works!

Definitely doable! It'd take some UI tweaks to make really work, but I have a beta version available on Google Drive if you'd like immediate access.

really great writing, gorgeous background art, fantastic character design. genuinely a fantastic oc fansim :)

kanayaroute is complete! enjoy the tavrosroute preview as well :)

updated the rose ending of kanaya's route a little more! not quite done yet but we're in the final stretch

thank you all for your patience <33 enjoy the new content!

this comment is SO SO SWEETS. so very sweets. i have been talking about current kanayaroute stuff on tumblr so just know that im like. reading it all and im so so happy people are engaged

yeah the pesterdump/phone format was what the bdth logs were used to test for!!! its been planned since even before i added the bdthlog thing to the game, so finally finally GETTING to it is really gratifying :) we'll be updating it with more logs every few routes!!!


hey man, i appreciate you're a fan of the game, but please don't do this. it makes me not want to work on it at all if the only reaction i'm getting is "why isn't there more, NOW" 

we have been working on the game privately. it's been updated to 8.3.2, and the demo's gotten some optimizations. but it's, like, a free fan project that i make in my spare time when i'm interested in working on it, and that's how literally all of my fan projects work?

yeah. please don't do this

there exist in-game implications thereof. 

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Lol, your enthusiasm was MUCH appreciated by those working on the route :3


also yes it's bonus route 3.

anyway. i'll fix that bug and... yeah. this is one of the first huge plot changes that's happened here. glybgolyb not being present is a big deal for the future of the planet

minor spelling mistake patch available now

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*carabiner, thank you

Please don't call the original PQ dogshit in this comments section. I don't want to disrespect the original at all -- this is a loving fansequel, not a teardown/replacement.

And yeah, it was a placeholder card on the bad end. Should be updated now.

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SIGN OF LIFE. hi i was in intensive outpatient therapy this whole month. shit sucks! 

don't worry, I've been working on the game, if only indirectly. long story but there is now going to officially be an Italian translation?????? yeah buckwild!!!! 

have not made any writing headway on aradiaroute because, frankly, her perspective is violently depressed, and i would prefer to. not. exist in the headspace of a character who is violently depressed. not until i get more stable at least lol

it's not abandoned, like i said. there has been work on it. we're just holding it back for a little while. 

for more updates, follow @pesterquestrewritten on tumblr :) and thank you for being one of my favorite commenters lol

pushed a minor patch because i realized the aradiabot jumpscare was broken.


just for u i have written a big post about where ive been. because i have been making so much content asjfdnfgjsfhsfjh

FINALLY update with new solluxroute content. my motivation and emotional state is super fluctuationy rn but maybe thats appropriate for a sollux route??? LMAO 

but yeah. hopefully i'll be working on this more, it's been good to do it

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updated the ctrl+T route with a tech demo for a potential future thing..... and then updated it again bc that made the game crash LOL

okay that marvus clip actually gave me a good idea of what's happening

basically the game likes to rewind to the most recent "label"  -- there's a label at the start of every route, which is why the game rewound there if there's not any closer one. the trollian label exists, the "blueblood car" label exists, etc. 

i didnt code the save file system so i dont really know how to help... "perhaps the script changed in an incompatible way" really is what's going on, i think. 

what's definitely interesting is the "unseen text" resetting. are you redownloading it each time, or using the itch app to update?

i'll ask around in the renpy discord for help pretty soon o7

are the saves old? renpy is sorta unpredictable when it comes to cross-version save files :/ 

i recommend using the fast forward option -- i promise we aren't doing any meta "tracking what you pick" things that isnt reflected in the achievements menu :P 

actually ill dm you on tumblr for a more detailed bug report

joey route being limited was definitely a side effect of us not having the art budget for a full set of joey sprites, hah.... and i'll take the crit about dropping the pronoun jokes

i'm glad you like it so far -- emespi was definitely meant to just be "friendsim!mspar, who can be cordoned off with their friends", so that we didn't have to worry about contradicting the messages with having those friends still being out there somewhere

did a small update to patch in the achievement icon + update the game to Renpy 8.2.0 instead of 8.1.3! ill patch the web version to the new renpy too, soon

karkat route DONE

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do u mean the bloopers/shitpost stuff or june route sjfgdhjdfghjdf


small bugfix update, gonna be a while until more karkat route happens. broke my ankle and writing motivation went with it for a time :( 

karkpdate! hopefully i wont be lost in Gimmick Choice Screen Hell for much longer sjdghdfkg, you'll see what i mean when you play it

karkat route continues! i'm treating this like an mspfa in terms of updates, so you'll be getting daily or near-daily small incremental progress. thanks for continuing to check out the project :)

content update! started on karkat route :3

minor bugfix update, no new content yet :P 

talked to the developer of the plugin and we tracked down the bug! only happens on mac as far as we know, in the specific case of Discord being installed but not open. there's also discord being open but wifi being disabled, and we still have yet to track that bug down... thanks for the report o7

@angelicTraitor could you also DM me on discord so we can track the bug down? I'm

my three hints about how to unlock the June Route!

1. Ask Rose how to unlock it

2. You're able to play it before any other route

3. Just click in the right place and it'll be yours :3

figured it was rpc... i'll do a bug report for the addon we're using

ty for letting us know!

do you have the discord app downloaded, and if so, are you logged in? my only guess is that it's an error with our discord RPC integration

are you using the app, or thru a direct download? (I'm on a Mac and that's where I develop the game, so I know it works on macs)

are you playing on the browser version or the downloaded one?

are you launching it through the app, or by downloading it?

hehehehehehe!!!! did you play the secret route too? there's a bonus achievement for it on its own row in the chumroll :3

im so happy people are playing it... that message is still in there because i thought it would be funny to leave it in until i come back and update it for real LOL