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A member registered Apr 06, 2020

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(1 edit)

I don't know if I am alone in this, but my game is unable to update chapter 13, i think there is some glitch with it that needs fixing. I keep going to "find new updates", it constantly says it found a new update, starts the process of seemingly installing it, but when i start the game, it's still only chapter 12, even if I reinstall the entire game, chapter 13 still doesn't work. ( trying this from the itch app)

Edit: ok I made it work now by completely removing it, and installing it again manually, instead of going for the "reinstall" option in itch

which means the game can't update for me properly....

it didn't restart my progress but I don't know which action triggers chapter 13

doesnt work for me, he just says "hi there" 

How do I trigger chapter 13? the objective still says "enjoy the town" for me. Did i not properly install last update?

changing the language of my PC to english did fix the issue for me as well, I misunderstood at first, thought I would have to change in game language :)

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same thing is happening to me, I have only tried 2x, but both times it happens at this exact point. My game is already in english, where can I change the language of the game? 

I have got a similar error 2x in a row now during the "Warrick claiming me" scene (right before climax too :( lol). So it seems that thing will always happen to me at that specific scene :/ 

I think you can talk to him during the day as well, there s no limitation, in most cases

if it s who i think you mean he's in the gym section of the stadium's shower in the back

no actually, I figured out the issue, only the leveled up versions of seduce have the animation, I forgot about that. I'm a returning player and now i started the game over, and didnt remember it worked that way 

It used to be that seducing/enticing enemies showed you an animation of your character "flashing" your enemy, while now it's just a slight glow and no animation plays... was that change intentional? Just seems like they took away a positive thing for no reason...

can you please tell me how to reach 2nd heart with Logan? is it in the Fair?

"A representative of his species enters my vision" lol

I agree, the random Shakespearean english feels kinda forced, but it doesn't annoy me much

Oh, I take it all back, I ve had the fang all along *facepalm*

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no bother, but also I've killed the alpha wolf at least 4 times now, and he doesn't give me any fangs, I am very confused now, all that happens is it says "i am in a bad state" (because bleeding) and reputation with wolves fang

Ah, I thought I need to defeat an alpha WEREwolf and not normal alpha wolf, I might even have it in my inventory then already lol

Do I have to do somethign with Bernard to make the exclamation mark appear?

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In the upper right hand corner all I have is a skull icon, where only wolves come at daytime. Do I have to defeat a certain number of them?

oh, how convoluted, thank you all for the replies :) 

I ran into a bit of a difficult situation: I decided that in the full moon arc I will help normal Logan instead of Bernard. I also went to the witch to get the quest where she wants the alpha male fang. I go to the wolf den dungeon and encounter werebernard, whom I capture and put in my jail. So far so good, but now, I can't really do anything, if I want to go deeper into the dungeon to find the alpha male, the game says I am not prepared or something, and if I free Bernard, nothing happens, so I am afraid to do that and mess up something, I went back to a save where he is still in my jail ( I also can't even use Wolf's bane on Bernard either). Can anyone help me, or just have any information regarding this issue? :/

Ah, no, I managed to get it 1 higher, so the limit is 15, not 14 :)

I have 11+3 perception and it still says "dead end". Did you mean you have to have 14 base perception without bonuses?

He also, said he didn't notice the notice about the male content, so I think you can get off his back...

Thank you very much for the update. I have a questions that I'm not sure I can solve, maybe only by starting a completely new character, but I don't really want to do that. Whenever there is an update to the werewolf storyline, I cannot do anything. The event log says I finished everything and Bernard doesn't have any new dialogue options. Is it because I am on the submissive Logan route? Does the Caleb thing work only on the dominant Logan route. Thank you in advance :)

Alright, so as of now, I am stuck at werewolf Bernard without a cure and nothing Logan, until 1.8, thanks for yourreplies :)

I can understand that, but I thought you still should encounter the "rumors about the beast" and Logan becoming a werewolf, even in 1.7, just like the guide says so :/

I love the game so far, but I have a question: I have 1.7 and I don'T know why but there is no "rumor about the beast" anywhere. I had the werewolf attack where Bernard gets injured and turned and I can visit him at nights to give him antidote and spend the night with him. But there is no way to have any progress because I can't get alpha male juice and can't progress on Logan's path (submissive Logan). Does this mean my savefile might be corrupted and I broke it? Do I have to start the campaign over?