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A member registered Jun 01, 2022

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Love your videos, super insightful, please keep bringing us along for your journey! I'm playing on laptop and don't play PC ever, so others that are more familiar with computer gaming    might not agree, but this was    my experience:

-I had expected Up to jump, and would've preferred it so I can keep one hand on the arrows and leave it like that.

-The first puzzle,  I did not figure out that you aim with mouse , it just said E to aim, so I hit E and tried to use my arrows to aim it, and was stuck for a couple of minutes before I realized the arrow aims it.

-Took me a minute to realize you can reverse the polarity while the magnet is not currently equipped, so I thought I was stuck at the end of the first level, when the magnet zoomed back to the gate thing and the gate closed behind it, leaving me without a magnet and seemingly no way to turn the gate.

-The 5th level (the 4th door) was really tedious to have to get back up by climbing the rows and then trying to time reversing the polarity and jumping at the same time

-don't love the design of the buttons on the ground, the diagonal design makes it so I have jump accurately every time to get it to switch. It has advantages, such as when coming from the correct side, but if you're on the side with the higher part of the button, you have to jump it.  

Overall though I still had fun,  no serious issues for me. Thanks!