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A member registered Jun 06, 2023 · View creator page →

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me looking at the pack of ciggs after i played this game.(strong language, but no spoilers.)

i finally played the full game, and oh my fucking god

i've been lurking and waiting for its release since like the demo was posted, which was maybe in december last year? (im not really good with dates) so yeah, about a year now. 

and holy shit, i was NOT dissapointed. 

the game is SO GOOD. 

i only got one ending so far, which is 'Sweet Ending'. and fuck, im gonna be honest, I CRIED, ACTUAL TEARS.  the ending, the game, the outro song, IT'S ALL SO GOOD I COULDN'T HELP BUT START SOBBING. (also had to go out for a smoke.) and mind you, im not an emitonal person, all of the times that i've cried can be counted on FINGERS, and i've never cried because of a game before. (maybe i just grew an unhealthy attachment to Crowe, but hey, we're not talking about that now are we)  so it's an achievement. 


the plot, the soundtracks, the characters IT'S ALL  JUST INCREDIBLE. everyone who took a part in making this masterpiece did and AMAZING job. i really wish i could donate my money as a thank you, but sadly i am not employed (cruel world we live in, fuck you society). 

the last time i felt such a big range of emotions from a game was when i played Life Is Strange, and that was a reaaaaally long time ago. but this game got to me bad. 

i do always end up liking a character in any game that i play, but Crowe? completely different story. this man is one of the really few characters that i don't just like, but LOVE. he's such a sweetheart, i cannot properly express how strong my feelings for him are.

overall, the game left a HUGE effect on me. and i can't properly express how much i love it. 

10/10, i'm gonna put it on the first place in my list of my most favourite games ever (sorry danganronpa and hatoful boyfriend, but i've made my choice).

(i hope my comment isn't too much but i really wanted to express how i feel about this game.)