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Kol T'Kari

A member registered Dec 22, 2018

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You must log in first and you can see the rating is on the up right corner of the screen. I hope it helps you.

Thank you for replying me too. I'll always follow you so that i can play it right after the update :3

(1 edit)

Thank you Rob Colton. I really love this game and i can't stop thinking about Kol :)) He's so hot and cute. OMG i think i can't get him out of my head after playing this. Hope you will make some more for Kol's route. It's sad because it ends up so fast :(( By the way, i just always want to see the sex scene of the characters. I want to see the overview of that despite of only talking. Andddddddddddddd thank you very much for the game again :)))))))