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Hex Core

A member registered Jul 21, 2020 · View creator page →

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You can hit the "Download Now" button at the top of the page, then put in $0 if you want to be taken to the download page for free. Have fun!

Seems like the download is working just fine for me! Try refreshing the page, or maybe a different browser. Also note that we only have a Windows build available and will not be creating Mac or Linux builds.

"Gross, brush your teeth"  It might eat you, but at least it's more aware of dental hygiene now. Thanks for the play through, it was great!

Awesome playthrough! I liked your reaction at the end! Thanks for the compliments man, glad you enjoyed it!

Thanks for the play through man! Glad you enjoyed it!

That balance was exactly what we were going for, so I’m glad we successfully pull that off! Thanks for playing!

Glad you enjoyed! We spent quite some time tuning and polishing to game, so that compliment means a lot.

Great play through! Glad you liked the game!

“Somethings not good here” sums up the character’s experience pretty well lol

Super quick play through, nice job!

Thanks for the lil video! Happy you had fun playing it!

Fantastic reaction at the end man! Glad you enjoyed!

Thank you so much! I'm glad you liked it, it was fun to listen to you try to figure out how the AI determines when to attack you.

I'm so happy you noticed Tiny Box Tim! Thanks for playing!

Thank you! We spent quite a bit of time tuning the audio and tweaking the Siren Head character mesh to make it as unsettling as possible.

Whoa! Thanks for letting us know! Should be an easy fix.

That is by far the best compliment you could ever give us! Thanks for playing!

Thank you so much! We spent quite a bit of time tweaking the game so it would be as creepy as we could make it.

Thanks for the compliments man! We really tried to make the game stand out and we're glad we could could scare you!

Thanks, our artist spent a ton of time making it look just right!

Thanks for playing! We put a lot of effort into making SH: Stranded stand out from the crowd, it's good to see that its working!

Glad you enjoyed it! There's a lot of Siren Head games out there so we definitely appreciate being in your top 3 (especially if SH: Stranded is at the top of those three lol). Thanks!

Glad to see you made it to the end! While we don't intend on adding any more story to this game, follow us to learn about our future projects!

We did our best to make Siren Head creepy without relying on jump scares, it's good to know it worked! Thanks for playing!

Great video! Thanks for the feedback, though we can't take too much credit for the story/lore - the community around Siren Head has done a lot of that leg work, we just put it all together!

Thanks for the feedback! Your video was great, especially when Siren Head was just camping the gas station.

Thanks for the compliment, that was what we were going for! Can wait for a Part 2 of your play through!

Thanks for the video and feedback! The chase at 9:55 was the most stressed out I've been watching all the play throughs! Keep up the good work!

Ah... the good old "The last cinematic doesn't play" bug. We fixed that in the most recent update. Awesome play through though, thanks for making a part 2!

This video was great! Your reaction when the 'laughs' after the first cinematic was priceless!

Not sure why you'd need a chainsaw, but thanks for playing the game!

Hope you make another video and beat it, keep up the great work!

Thanks for the play through, can't wait for part 2!

That intro clip is great! Thanks for playing the game, can't wait to watch part 2! 

Thanks for playing the game and thanks for the shout out at the end of the video!

Hope you make another video and beat it man! Pro tip: when Siren Head is screaming at you, run away, don't try to hide. 

Glad you liked it man and thanks for the little shout out at the end, it means a lot!

Great video! We spent a ton of time on sound, so we’re glad to hear that time paid off! Thanks for playing the game and the awesome compliment!

Thank you so much for playing! The tediousness of running back and forth between places will get fixed in an upcoming patch. 

Thanks for the feedback! You nailed the AI on the head and our programmer will be increasing that raduis a bit and ensuring Siren Head doesn't stop after 10 feet. Also, were working on some story changes that will hopefully make a big difference in how tedious the game feels. Stay tuned!