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A member registered Mar 04, 2022

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Hello -

Thank you for your quick response and kind offer.  Your reasons were anticipated...makes perfect sense given the numbers involved.  It was not meant as a complaint, but rather a mention just in case it was some sort of glitch and the mac version was supposed to be there on Steam too.  I suppose the numbers might even be worse re the Linux version, so no surprise it's not there either.  I am sorry the numbers aren't better, as I say, the more support for your efforts the better.  Hang in there, and thanks.  I have enjoyed the demo, and look forward to buying the full version.

Hello -  Just jumped in from looking at your offering on Steam.  Since I know they offer non-PC versions of other games and I see you offer them here (ITCH), why is the only version that came up on Steam was the one for Windows?

Thanks for the great work.  I'm looking forward to the latest demo, and will be buying the full game.  And, concerning that, thanks for pricing your games so that those of us on fixed incomes can afford them.  As you observe in response to an earlier comment, not everyone lives in countries or situations where budgets make games affordable.