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A member registered Apr 04, 2023

Recent community posts

Good Ideal, but  you should be able to jump off of the walls as there was times I died just trying to jump on a wall and then I'd get stuck on the edge of the building, there should be a little more control when wall riding. Has some replayablity though as I would like to beat my times I feel like with a few more features, like slliding, enamies and such it could be really fun! :)

It was very framey, the player and the monsters moved way to fast, I got stuck on the boxes if I tried to jump on them, and sometimest the monsters would just spawn behind you.

overall good, I couldn't go through to the next stage sometimes for whatever reason, there could be more direction on what to do.

Well done, I think there was some control issues. If you jump and try to go the other way you just sit still for a bit a fall which can mess up some jumps. You should be able to jump out of the grapple hook as some of the jumps are really hard when they don't have to be. Good job! :)

Could've used something on the game board screen because it was kinda just there, and could've had more speialty tiles and dice. The loading eyeball thing should be a click to get into the mini game. The card mini game took to long to load. The art and music was great though! :)  

didn't like how the little guys on the agilty screen could go through the houses and I couldn't, I liked the dog walking animation, why was a brush for the dirt? the ending was pretty cool, but text went by a little to fast. Overall good concept maybe with more time could be something! :)

it was ok, I think there could've had more compelling gameplay! tbh there was't much to the game to keep me intersted.

there feels like no reason to kill anything, almost didn't get to other rooms maybe some hints could help with that! Also copyright??? :)