I want to try this game, but I can't seem to do anything other than run off-screen. Is there anything I should be doing? Thank you! ^^;
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This is the most visually stunning game I've played in the jam so far! In terms of aesthetics, I think it'll be tough for any game to beat this one :O
I wish the gameplay were as polished as the art and the music. It's disorienting to play a rhythm game where you have to look at the top to see what buttons to press. There's also no audio/visual feedback on whether you're missing notes—and half of the notes don't seem to be synced to the music.
It's so close to being incredible—for four days I'm impressed!
I was really hoping to play a boutique-based game during the jam—I'm glad someone did one! A fashion game with dragons is a great combination :)
I was a little confused with the mechanics despite doing the tutorial, I couldn't manage to figure out what tailoring does! I think with a little more refinement of the mechanics it'd be really good.
I love the palette of the game—brown is an underrated colour, and the contrast between the white/brown sun fairies and the green moon fairies definitely fits the theme!
Having the K button trigger a dash on release instead of input made some of the platforming hard, though. And my finger got really tired spamming J during my many attempts on the boss fight. I think with tighter controls this would be even greater ^_^