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A member registered Jan 20, 2018 · View creator page →

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Thank you for you kind words. What you say really makes sense and i ll consider it in next update. This is the very first version, there is a lot of things to do, but i was very busy in pastdays ;=;. I think that the model will get better in next update. Thank you again. :)

dude, great video. I was laughing a lot on the goliath part. I loved your video, serious. I am very happy that you guys seems to like it. 

Thanks for the feedback <3

I'll try to make the rewards in the horde better in next update.

Dude, great video. I am very happy to see people playing the game. I laughed a lot in the part that you were facing the boss of the tutorial kkkkkkk.

I will try to launch this week a new version of the demo with two missions with gameplay similar to the tutorial.

(1 edit)

Hi, i recently updated the game version, this problem has been fixed.