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A member registered Mar 27, 2023

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Hey thanks so much for your reply. :)

As a temp workaround that could well be the solution, good thinking and thanks for the suggestion!

Sad/bad news indeed on all fronts, especially re: Aiimages' deprecated status D:

I absolutely love the design of Aiimages, and as a Unity dev I'm still planning to integrate it in to some of my projects. In the Unity space it's still IMHO the best SD tool available, by far, and I've tried them all (except Keijiro Takahashi's recent addition for the Mac folk). Props are due for the work you've put into it!

My waifu is fairly experienced with Python. If you have a sense of what would be involved to scan and rewrite the history file, would you be ok with sharing your pseudo-code thoughts on what steps would be required in Python to achieve the history restoration?

If we have any luck achieving it, we'd of course share the scripts with the community in case anyone else encounters the issue.

Many thanks again Sunija! <3 x

(2 edits)

Top right in the InvokeAi webui, there's an isometric cube icon for "Model Manager".

Click that, you'll see "+ Add New".

Right click in the relevant Windows folder path containing your model(s), and select "Copy Address".

Ctrl-V to paste into the "Checkpoint Folder" field and hit Enter.

You should now be able to add your model of choice, and all going well, it should then appear in the drop down, to the left of the Model Manager icon.

Hope that helps ;)

Currently I'm using both of your standalone offline tools. I have been generating material in Aiimages over the last half a year, and this month have started using InvokeAi mainly for the Unified Canvas feature. Taking images made in Aiimages, and importing them to InvokeAI to develop them further with the canvas toolset.

I have three instances/installs of Aiimages that I use for separate content/workflows using different models, and also because after 20k+ images are in history, in my experience it gets a little slow and frequently crashy when scrolling through the vast galleries.

With InvokeAi, I find its design more of a hassle for accessing earlier generations because it only loads 50 (or is it 100?) images in to cache, and then I have to constantly scroll down and click to load another 50/100 images. I generate LOTS of images per prompt so accessing the images becomes cumbersome in InvokeAi. Very klunky and limiting in contrast with Aiimages, in that respect. Pros and Cons yo!

For my workflow, being able to load up one of the Aiimages instances and quickly scrolling the history to get the precise prompt for an image to work on inside InvokeAi's unified canvas has been invaluable.  So while I still have the images, and still have the dream_md / .txt prompt histories for each of the three Aiimages instances intact in their respective folders, I can no longer easily scroll the history to access the image with corresponding prompts.

Aiimages handles the Style/Content fields a little differently to InvokeAi with its Prompt/Negative fields. For instance, if I copy a Style/Content prompt from Aiimages into InvokeAI's prompt field, all is well until I reload the prompt at a later stage, as it then takes the original prompting character/token sequence and populates the Negative prompt field with any [negatives] from the original Aiimages prompt. It appears to modify the generated output aesthetic quite dramatically at times when this happens, so I usually just copy the prompt from Aiimages back in to the InvokeAi prompt field each time I want to return to a theme (say for going past the 1024 x 1024 limit in Aiimages) to keep the precise prompt.

If I'm not mistaken, this also means the metadata when taking an image from one application to the other changes the numerical(/character?) string that the prompts are converted into, so I very much hope to retain the history of images generated in my Aiimages instances over the last 6 months inside Aiimages for easy access of/reference to the original prompts.

Thanks so much for releasing these tools for the beginners, the Unity devs in the case of Aiimages, and for the folk who just like to run their machines offline to avoid the overlords snooping and auto-update tampering with their delicate work environments! :D x

(2 edits)

Thanks for the reply!

Sorry, I appreciate why that might have been confusing, I was a little panic-stricken as I was typing last night!

Are you aware of the disappearing history issue in Aiimages (possibly caused by a crash or by opening Aiimages and InvokeAI at the same time), and have you or any of the users on Itch or Discord found a method that would make it possible to restore my history in each of the Aiimages instances?

I think I may also have accidentally opened both InvokeAi and then Aiimages at the same time last night, which I've been avoiding, as from past experience, I know there's a shared file hiding somewhere outside the Aiimages folders, and have seen prompts and settings being populated between each instance of Aiimages when switching the instance of Aiimages I'm working in. I suspect that may be the issue, as upon opening Aiimages presently, the initial settings for InvokeAi appear, with the "cute owl" prompt loaded, and all the images generated are no longer there in history.

Thank you for reading my lengthy reply(s)! Hope my situation is more clear

Post Coffee Edit: Separated feedback and observation for both programs in to a separate post below :)

Soooooo, first thank you sincerely for both InvokeAI and Aiimages :)

Having some tech-diffs, to put it mildly - actually a bit of a pre melt-down panic level event is fast brewing! I have been using InvokeAI v4 for a few weeks, not updated to v5 yet, and tonight I opened up all 3 instances of Aiimages (using different models per instance to save on hassle of model switching) that had in the region of 60k+ generations between them. Intead of my vast wonderful galleries which were all there yesterday, I was met with 3 completely blank galleries and each one populated with the orig InvokeAi prompt - Content: cute owl, Style: watercolor painting.

PLEASE tell me that someone else has previously encountered this issue and there's a way to retrieve the galleries. The generated images are still there in the Output folders and both and dream_log.txt are still intact and contain all of my prompts for all 3 Aiimages instances I've been working in. Anyone got a fix for this? Otherwise I've just lost a vital chunk of half a years work.....

Kind dev, please let me know if this catastrophe can be fixed somehow. <3