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A member registered Jan 02, 2022

Recent community posts

Do you have to fuck the star football player to play in the football games?  Im playing a woman and I tbh really don't want to fuck him.

Do you have to fuck the star football player to play in the football games?  Im playing a woman and I tbh really don't want to fuck him.


Hey I need some help. I'm stuck on week 9 right after my first class after the attack. It talks about me going to my elective then the next screen it's just black. I've set it on auto to try to skip it but its just black. I'm in the Arien route if that helps. Thanks in advance

is there any way to change the files to get better stats? i know its very minor but each time I get demerits i get completely annoyed. If not thank you for the great game anways

How do you corrupt Rachel? I may just be missing something.

Did tou ever figure how to get past that?

What does "When Love and Death Embrace" achievement do?

This still happening if the devs see this

Hello, I'm just starting to play this game again after a while and I realized that I can't recruit the slave into slavers. It had the feature earlier so i don't know if I'm just confused or what

Howdy, I need some help about the mobile android version. The start up screen pops up but no intractable buttons.

Same here

Wrong is Veronica

How do I open the game? Unless I'm just being stupid, I can't find a file to open in the folder.

Nevermind just look out the window

How I'm stuck here