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A member registered Dec 18, 2023

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The game is fun to play but sometimes because you control the character by mouse it gets annoying when you try to go into the shop get stuck, or the character gets behind trees you are unable to move. The story and the gameplay is pretty fun when I obtained the Stormbringer I was so amazed because its very cool that there are secrets while you have the main quest. It was also pretty satisfying to see my damage level and health go up whenever I killed enemies. Also in the dialogue when you did not want to do the quest it was pretty humorous and I also liked that the creator was ‘god’ and it was only a painting. Also the fact that there were currencies and shops was very cool, also that there were boss fights that were rewarding and fun, but sometimes annoying when they just simply one-shot you. Overall a pretty fun game, here are some things that I would like to be changed; the walking mechanics is very annoying and hard to control.  there is also a bug in Ezmore’s dialogue when I tried to ask for his quest when I clicked what do I have to do he did not answer. But when I clicked I got to go it let me go. Also if the mini map would rotate with the character and would be moveable even when the character is not in motion. Also the fact that you cannot walk through characters is a bit annoying but its understandable because that’s how real life works. The other thing I would change is that maybe you could have a bow and a sword and you could switch in-between them in fight so you actually have some control in fighting.