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A member registered Nov 15, 2023

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thankyou so much! looks like by using the quest 3 I input a typo by mistake adding an extra "@" lol! many thanks for your response and best of luck with the future of your app :-)

I definitely used the same email address mate but its ok, i am going to buy the extension again tonight using my pc instead of through the quest. If it works it works, if it doesn't then it doesn't. Im just thankful for your work regardless :)

I used the same email address and same PayPal for both - however for the main app i used my PC and for the extension i did it within the quest 3 so maybe that is why. Thanks for the quick reply my man 馃槑馃憤

Hi mate, the extension won't activate in my app, please could you take a look for me? Thankyou for the great app by the way :D