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A member registered Jul 04, 2021 · View creator page →

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This wasnt too bad. It was short & creepy! Like something was wrong with Noah or Lizzie. It got spooky quite fast. 

I hope to see more from you!

This game.. wow. It was bizarre, creepy and it gave me a mix of Mothered and Coraline vibe. I really cannot wait for the next one. 

The art style & animation was excellent! I felt sad in some parts too. 

Here is my playthrough! 

I really enjoyed this! I liked the style, it definitely reminded me of Resident evil, I liked the combat system

. It was atmospheric and creepy! I loved this game, keep it up! Here is my playthrough, kindly recommended to me by Niven Hedinger. 
(2 edits)

This was nice! I like games where you have to take photos to progress. It did take me a little moment to figure out the attic haha. I got spooked too, and I liked the puzzles. Nice, very atmospheric too. Here is my playthrough. 

I had fun with this, it was nice and mysterious!
Was there an easter egg of your previous game at the end?
That investigator was... something 

Here is my playthrough!

Hey! This was quite alright! It was a little slow at first, but then when the horror kicked it.. it really got me good! I was on the edge of my seat the entire time, and it was atmospheric. I did get spooked. Not too bad! Here is my video! Keep up the good work, I look forward to see what more comes!

This made me feel uncomfortable in some parts, but i thought this was alright for what it was. I wish I was able to open that one room, where the door was slightly open 🤣 When watching the TV, i was expecting someone to appear at the window. Here is my playthrough 

Not bad for what this was! Very strange family indeed. Great jumpscare and context. I wonder what happened to the mother? Here is my gameplay! 

This was quite a nice game! I liked how it started off as normal and then it went into like bodycam/found footage style. This was creepy & atmospheric. I liked this, good job! Here is my video

finally got round to uploading. I laughed a lot in this game and I got spooked. Nicely done 616 games! Here is my playthrough

This was recommended to me by my friend, Niven Hedinger. This was quite an experience, i got spooked a lot. When you see it on the road, in the distance and see it move away! Gave me the chills. I really liked what you did here, can't wait to see what you got next! Here is my video!

This was quite a cool game and I'd be excited to see the full game & even live stream it. I liked how there was no hold back and straight into it. I liked this! Looking forward to it. Here is my gameplay of the demo! 

My my, what an experience! I had fun with this one, and I certainly enjoyed the twist at the end. All along, dad was behind all this! 

Here is my full gameplay! Good work Aza once again! With a masterpiece 

This wasn't too bad, I do wish it went on a little longer and maybe some context on these hostile things and I hope to see what more comes! It did take me a little moment to find the keycard, as it was almost not found lol. Here is my playthrough!

Definitely one of the weirdest games.. it was quite spooky and did make me laugh at the start, it took me a little time to figure out how to do the code. This game was oddly quite good & interesting. Keep up the good work!

It kinda made sense if the kid was schizophrenic. If he was having a severe episode.. idk. but I found my way eventually. :)

This wasn't bad, I liked the atmosphere and that this game was quite creepy. I found all 3 diary entries, which i was proud of haha. 

I did wish for a light source, as when i was walking around I did wish for a flashlight, as it was impossible to see things, probably why it took me longer to find the code. But I got there in the end and I enjoyed the concept of the game.

Keep up the good work! Here is the playthrough 

This wasn't too bad! I enjoyed it, I got scared. The ambience creeped me out, sounded like I was under water ahaha. Took me some time to figure out what to do next. This wasn't too bad, keep it up! 


Here is my gameplay as requested! All 3 endings found, I did stumble across a few bugs as I played, and displayed in the video. I also got stuck at one point inbetween the sink & the shower. Other than that, this wasn't too bad! Keep it up! :)

(1 edit)

I liked that the more you walked around, or clicked on things, the more things happened. I thought i was gonna be able to fix the bus, but I wouldn't get out, but try and keep warm haha. I liked the atmosphere, the random sounds here and there. So many moments really did freak me out. Here is my video & good job!

This was quite an interesting one, mannequins freak me out lol. That chase bit and trying to find levers and keys startled me a lot. Here is my playthrough! Enjoy

This was quite alright, I do wish some of the waits were shorter, but this was quite creepy, all jumpscares got me very well, I'd be keen to see what more comes. Will SPBU be a series of people working in dodgy work places? lol.

Here is my playthrough! Enjoy 

(2 edits)

i need help. I found the pacifer/dummy, for the baby, but cannot seem to progess, as the note says the baby shakes this toy & smiles, but I cannot find anything else. Could you please give me a hint? As I am trying everything and would like to try & give you a full complete playthough.

I one of the endings (idk if there are multi endings) and I could list the stuff I found so far now, but I wanna work out this baby toy mystery, please help me out. :)

This was quite fun! I enjoyed playing this, it did take me a little while to figure stuff (I had just woken up so my brain was elsewhere lol) But it reminded me a lot of Parasocial & other games that had a similar concept. But this was quite cool, creepy & disturbing.
Here is my playthrough! 

This was pretty alright! Something different. I was expecting a jumpscare somewhere at the end lol. 

I do excuse my slowness, and daft comments, i hadn't slept yet. here is my video!

This was quite interesting, I liked how the day went wrong because of 1 flower haha. I do wonder what the birthday gift was? Was it cheese or honey? The dialogue changed it lol. But good job! Here is my video, enjoy and keep it up!

This was quite a strange one, but quite interesting. I love how it keeps you guessing who or what is behind that door. I do hope you continue to make awesome games! I was recommended to play this by Horrorgamer.

I thought this game wasn't too bad. It was short, I got scared a few times.. I had no clue of what that creature was like a demon or some pest? Lol. Anyways! Here is my gameplay, please check it out!

This was quite alright, just wished for a little more. Like a few times I was expecting a jumpscare & another ending. And maybe more context about what was going on at the start. But I thought the atmosphere was creepy & it was creepy to see the dude just stood at there top of the stairs. Keep it up! 

I had good fun playing this, and spooky! The atmosphere, the story, and the spooks were good. I wasn't sure how the game was going to end tbh haha. Good job! Here is my playthrough 

This was recommended to me by Niven. Very pleased to see you have come back! Looking forward to see what more comes. 

This was quite spooky, the darkness added some creepiness, even though a little light source would've been nice. I liked the story and that chase was terrifying lol. Here is my playthrough!

Be keen to see what comes! It was definitely a little rough round the edges & wish I knew what the game was about and maybe English subtitles as I couldn't understand what the prayers were. 

Other than that, this was spooky and tense! I liked the atmosphere too.

seemed interesting. Here is my gameplay!


This was quite nice! I thought this was creepy, short, and nice twist! Took me a minute to find out what to do in a couple of parts lol. But I had fun with this, and got spooked a few times! 

Definitely don't trust Joe at a Trailer Park ;)
I hope to see what more comes from you! 
Here is my video! Enjoy! 

(1 edit)

This was quite interesting, and I would be very keen to seeing the full game! I liked that it was straight into the creepiness and I liked the VHS style. Only thing, when trying to select options in the main menu, it wouldn't continue & I felt that this was a walking simulator. I hope to see some puzzles or some more context. Here is my gameplay! I hope you enjoy 
This was recommended to me by my friend, Niven

I choose to stream your game, and had a lot of fun! Found all 4 endings, with a little help from someone in the audience. The jumpscares & the creepy atmosphere was good. 
I did forget the rice at one point and my driving was bad.
Here is the gameplay 1:59:12

I was recommended this by HorrorGamer, during my live stream. 
I thought this was quite alright, one of the endings, I found by accident, because I was trying to read this game page lol. But I found all 4 endings. I thought it was quite creepy, the random sounds did creep me out ngl. 

Only thing was, it bugged out when chopping wood, like it got to 11 logs, and the game wouldn't proceed after, I had to start over.

Here is the timestamp of the gameplay 

I found the easter egg! Was quite cool to see. Nice & short game, but I wish there were more sound effects, with footsteps, doors opening, people talking in the store etc.. and maybe customers idk. This was cool. Here is my video! 

I thought this was an interesting short game! I like how it got creepy quite fast and I liked the little details in every video tape, there was always something and stuff. This was recommended to me by Fearegon. Here is my video, with both endings.

oooh! That's why. No worries ☺️ Anyhow  whatever you have next, spook wise. Got my support!