Hey, i added new version, maybe that one will work
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It's really cool game, vfx reminded me of old Jackie Chan series game. But i found a bug, when you hit your enemy in the air, you can just fly over the arena. Also had a problem with the first boss, that had the same model as you and you sometimes just lost yourself while beating him. But gameplay is really well made, too bad it's so underrated.
Guys, your intro is too long and can not be skipped. You need to understand that player doesn't care about your plot, unless he is engaged into the gameplay. Game also needs some kind of tutorial, if i didn't play similar games before, i would just stuck at the beginning. Artstyle is well made, but sometimes background is kids drawing in watercolor paint for some reason. And would be cool if it had more attack mechanics, besides the chain hammer.
This game actually has a great potential, but needs a lot of polishing. I hope you didn't think that i insulted you, like some people before. Unlike some people below, that were just hunting for rates, i launched your game. You can look at my game and rate it in return. Thank you
It's very risky for you to make game only for controllers, but since i had one, i really liked playing this one. Controls are well chosen. My only complain is that artstyle sometimes differs in style, i don't mean that some sprites are poorly made, but seems like you had two artists, that didn't try to match identical styles. It isn't bad at all, the main character reminded me of Blasphemous mc.
Artstyle reminded me of Kings Field 2. Gameplay has some flaws, like 2 minutes are too little to defeat the boss. There is a need for music and adding more sfx. Also, would be cool if i had some impact after being hit. I see a potential in this game, for old fags who are waiting for Kings Field 5, lol. Good luck
Bro, we had almost similar idea. I liked the artstyle and the music of this game. Gameplay has great ideas like time movement only when you move like in a super hot, but has some flaws. At first bugs, like when you try to jump on the ledge, you just launch back, i just couldn't make it to the boss. Maybe i just didn't play as you planned. Then, your character has too little amount of animations. Game has potential, but too many bugs (lol, it's like i'm rating my own game). Wish you good luck in future.
I liked the style of the game and cutscenes. I see you had much fun creating this game by seeing how many bosses you made. However, it has some flaws, like balancing hitboxes, i clearly see that i'm out of attacking range, but still somehow got damage. Also would be cool if bosses attacks were a little bit faster to make it a little harder. But I liked this game, it has its own charm, just needs some polishing.