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A member registered Mar 27, 2021

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Ok, sounds good, I look forward to future updates!

Gone through the settings, setting keybinds for focus seemingly does nothing, I don't know what the doll system I'm seeing mentioned is either, if it's something I get after completing those bounties with good photos or if my buttons just aren't working or whatever. I think the game looks really good and I'm super excited to keep up with it's progress!

Ok, I've looked all over and don't know if maybe something went wrong with my install or I'm dumb, but for the life of me I can't get any better than an F on every picture. Sometimes the yellow square appears around their faces and I take a picture, sometimes spam it, but only once have I gotten a D+, it was also the only time the game even registered that there was a girl in the frame. I simply have no idea what to do